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Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:07 am
by DaBonadono
I've never heard anyone emulate Vinnie so well. How come this guy doesn't have vids on youtube? I would like to see Mike Weeks make a video of himself playing along to "Boyz Are Gonna Rock".

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:09 am
by poserboy71
He's on this forum. MWEEKS. Ask him !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:39 am
by doublev
he is good, and a good singer too.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:59 am
by Slayer
Great guitar player!

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:06 pm
by shramiac
He's got an FB page too!

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:35 am
by DaBonadono
I don't understand how somebody that good is not very well known. He sounds totally like VV to me when he plays. I've never heard such a perfect emulation. I just wanna see this guy on cam play some Vinnie licks. That's all.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:44 am
by Fullshed
DaBonadono wrote:I don't understand how somebody that good is not very well known. He sounds totally like VV to me when he plays. I've never heard such a perfect emulation. I just wanna see this guy on cam play some Vinnie licks. That's all.
Hey Man!!!!-

It's the market, guitar hero's R dead....Weeks came along too late, that's all

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:57 am
by DaBonadono
I still wanna see his dazzling fretwork on cam. I believe that Mike Weeks is a real person, but I don't believe for one second that it's him playing (and singing) on Kiss My Ankh.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:10 am
by doublev
Weeks did sing and play on the tribute. ask Andre

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:29 am
by DaBonadono
Andre has played with Vinnie before. I believe he can keep a "secret". Especially if he wants to be included on a future release with VV. All I'm saying is this.......Mike Weeks can bust out the webcam or something, and record a little piece of him playing like Vinnie. It's not difficult to accomplish this in 2011. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to witness this. People lie all the time for other people.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:58 am
by poserboy71
Mr.Weeks, The challenge rests in your court. :D :D :D

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:51 am
by doublev
mike weeks was the guitar player for Robert and Andre was the drummer. Mike is not Vinnie and played on that tribute,

Vinnie himself asked me who Weeks was.. I am 100% sure Weeks is Weeks .. lol

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:24 am
by DaBonadono
I believe that Mike Weeks is Mike Weeks also. I don't believe that he is playing on the Kiss My Ankh CD. I would just like to see a little video of him playing in that style. I'm surprised he doesn't have youtube videos of his playing. If anyone has links of Mike Weeks playing like VV, please post them. Why in the hell wouldn't somebody be proud of playing like Vinnie Vincent on a tribute CD. I'd be pimpin' my shit left and right if I did that.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:31 am
by doublev
well, its not vinnie because I know the guy who set the thing up and also vv himself didn't know a whole lot about it until I told him.

Why not email Mike?

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:04 am
by DaBonadono
I'm so gonna have to. I was just listening to the solo for "Boyz" on KMA. Unless I hear Mike Weeks rip that shit out........there is nooooo way that is not VV. Listen to his picking attack, vibrato, bends, whammy work, speed, you name it. That's VV "DON'T BE FOOLED"!!! ** (or until I see Mike Weeks rock this shit!!)

and I would almost have to believe that maybe Robert F. is singing on this track. It appears to be a recent vocal. VVI was recorded in 1986. After 20+ years of singing.......people's voice's do change. Could Robert still sing like he did in 1986? Did they have to do any vocal edits on him back in 86? Was he a one take singer, or done over days and months? Was this a recent Robert vocal on a limited budget or lack of time to perfect it?

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:11 am
by doublev
please ask him.. i would love to see him put something on youtube.

It would make sense Robert sang uncredited as his band at the time were on that tune. However I believe Andre and Mike himself in that he sang it and played it. He is a member he so email him directly through the board.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:11 am
by DaBonadono
Robert, Andre, makes sense to me. Test the waters under an alias. Vinnie is still a monster, Andre sounds like a very good drummer, Robert just needs a little more time to record his vocals to achieve perfection. I'm just sayin'

Could you imagine being able to sing that that?
And if you could sing like that, imagine how it would feel to have "limitations" as you got older.

** If that were 100% true.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:16 am
by doublev
its 100% not vinnie , he knew nothing of it . I had to buy him the cd's? He wanted me to find some info about Weeks out.
I didn't know Weeks signed up here actually. I assure you Robert was not working with VV and VV didn't seem to say nice things about Andre.

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Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:19 am
by DaBonadono
Words are words many times. I want to watch Mike Weeks (A). Play like Vinnie (B). Sing like Robert.

Then we can continue.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:21 am
by doublev
yeah, the singing part is interesting.

Please ask him.. it will be great to hear something.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:21 am
by doublev
but again I assure you its not VV.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:24 am
by WizKid

There are a couple of photos on his profile. He's definitely his own person haha.

After listening to the tracks on the myspace, however, I don't hear the same thing that I'm hearing on the tribute album so you may have something there.

I do dig his tunes though and he's local to Nashville. May have to get in touch with him!

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:27 am
by doublev
but its not vinnie. no one could track him down. the guy who put it together had no idea. I can post some emails in private from vv basically asking who the fuck is mike weeks?

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:28 am
by doublev
does the vocal sound like Robert?.. I really doubt its him.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:33 am
by Brooklyn_Born
Is is a coincidence that Vinnie and Mike both live in Nashville?

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:40 am
by WizKid
That does make it interesting. Then, again I live in Nashville too.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:41 am
by doublev
yes its just chance, like Mark Slaughter as well, Weeks didn't live in nashville when he did the recording. he was either in LA or in the mid west.

i assure you Mike Weeks doesn't speak to VV and after he came onto this board he for sure will never speak to him.

Please take it from me VV has nothing to do with Robert. Robert has no interest in VV what so ever. VV don't like Andre and Weeks is just good at doing the vv thing.

I assure you VVI are nowhere near and never will get together. Robert actually really doesn't care for VV.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:42 am
by DaBonadono
I went to the Mike Weeks page on myspace:

I see ZERO mention of him playing on Kiss My Ankh on his myspace. Isn't that a little odd? He did at one time have something on his myspace page about it, but then was when it first came out. Could Mike Weeks be an "inside" friend of the VV inner circle? Maybe they used his name as a cover for Vinnie and Robert. The dust has settled from the tribute CD, and he no longer needs to post anything about it. We have heard rumor's that Vinnie likes to go online under multiple names, and we have also heard rumors that Vinnie could be recording material under an my theory isn't very crazy at all. Nothing is fact as of right now.....but truth is.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:43 am
by doublev
its not interesting!! this is just b.s. If you want to think something is going on, fine.. but I assure you its not.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:46 am
by doublev
he did play on the tribute. he got paid directly from the organizer. He did interviews.

Are you really trying to say VV played on his own tribute and everyone is hiding it.

The record company who put that out was contacting me at the time to see if I could help in finding VV so they could give him a copy. I sent 2 cd's to VV himself.

I really think you are really looking for something that doesn't exist. Also VV would have asked like half a million bucks to play on that record.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:50 am
by doublev
i got to go. i'll let you guys dream some more. But I assure you VV had nothing to do with that and he will never resurface with any band. Maybe (but I doubt) he would record again and he VV would sing.. but no chance of a reunion or a secret 'old buddies' gags going on. Looks like he would work with Robert, but it aint happening.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:56 am
by DaBonadono
I will e-mail Mike Weeks on this forum. I will also message him through Facebook and Myspace. I sincerely want to see him shred like Vinnie on cam and sing like Robert. I could tell you within a few seconds of viewing a clip of Mike Weeks playing.........if it's him or not (on KISS MY ANKH). Same with vocals. Just one line of a verse, and the chorus. Truth is. Doublev???? Why would you believe anything VV said? Didn't VV lie to you? Are you saying people don't lie in the music business to keep things hush-hush???

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:10 am
by poserboy71
Dino, Damian does make some solid points. It sure is fun !!!

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:26 am
by doublev
I am 100% sure its not vinnie.
99% sure its not Robert.
What is the valid point? Weeks wanted to make a tribute to vinnie and obviously changed his style. Someone please invite weeks on here .

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:28 am
by DaBonadono
Nothing is solid as all. This doesn't make sense. Everything to me is basically "he said, she said".........I really don't know who is talking to who about what. I don't believe everything I read. I don't personally know you doublev, but I know from your past writings that you have much knowledge of Vinnie Vincent. I feel at times that you write about things that only Vinnie himself would know.

I just want to see Mike Weeks do this stuff. Just a snipet. That is all.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:43 am
by doublev
Let's here from mike. Do your own research but I am out of this . I just ask not to start anything that weakens the non rumour element to the board. I think dabondano has not looked into the history of me and other members very well. But its fair to research and not trust what you read. I only post stuff I.can back up.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:45 am
by DaBonadono
I sent the following message to Mike Weeks via this forum, his facebook and his myspace:

Hi Mike. My name is Damian. I've typed to you before on myspace a few years ago. I was blown away by your guitar work on the song "Boyz Are Gonna Rock" on the KISS MY ANKH CD. I've been listening to that song again.......and I would love to see a video of you playing your guitar in that style, and doing some licks. I really believe that it was Vinnie Vincent himself playing it, because it sounds PERFECT. I hope you don't take offense to this request. I would personally find a message like this very flattering. Show the peeps what you can do.


P.S. Could you possibly sing one line of "Boyz Are Gonna Rock" on vid also? And the chorus? I'm mean, can PLAY like Vinnie and SING like Robert? You must be from a different universe!!

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:31 am
by poserboy71
I think that's fair.

Dino, Mellow out a bit my brother. I believe you but a video would be nice.

Peace and Piece to ALL.---Rick :D :D :D

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:47 pm
by shramiac
DaBonadono wrote:you can PLAY like Vinnie and SING like Robert? You must be from a different universe!!
It's amazing how high you can sing with a rubber band around your knackers :!: :!: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:22 pm
by Brooklyn_Born
LOL Awesome Shram!! :D

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:55 pm
by Fullshed

Mike was interviewed at the time of that release saying he did the vocals in addition to the geetar's.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:03 pm
by Slayer
This guy is a graduate of the Musician Institute. You can't get a better musical background than that and he is currently working on the new Bobby Rock Solo Album. So let's see here, he has worked with Robert Fleishman, Andre Labelle and now Bobby Rock so in my mind I think that may qualify him as the 2nd coming minus being the asshole that Vinnie is. Mike Weeks was also once the touring bassist for Michael Angelo Batio. With that said our own Drew FullShred VVV may have even met and know Mike Weeks. Honestly if you listen to the Mike Weeks version of BAGR he sounds more fluid and polished than Vinnie's style. That level of accuracy is what is tought at Musician's Institute.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:38 pm
by doublev
If mike weeks puts his name to it and its solo work I think it is disrespectful to suggest its vinnie playing. I think its fine to question him but to start an internet rumour that the description of who played on that is lies is not a good idea without the research.
I know I did the samething with vv at namm thinking he was someone he was not.. and I put my hand up.

Anyway i think mikes answer will be cool and thanks for asking him this stuff.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:39 pm
by Genebaby
After listening to his version of Boyz Mike is most likely on Vinnie's pooh list, with Andre and most everybody else he's played with.

Why? His fantastic playing on the track along with the vocal! Vinnie would kill to be able to do both.

Mike could be a successor to Vinnie's crown. Maybe Mike could re-do GFH?

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:36 pm
by metatron
It's Mike playing...Have spoken to Andre several time about Vinnie...I think Andre is fully aware where he stands with Vinnie...& it's more on our side of the fence than people may think & know. Andre is a good guy, trying to make of living & pretty much will not bad mouth anyone & point blank,,,but when u talk to him u can read between the lines. Also it's Tj Racer from Nitro on bass. Debunked :!: :!: :!:

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:09 pm
by doublev
mike, andre and tj racer would make a kick as heavy metal band..

with mike being on this board, no way would vv engage with him, he would see anyone here as an enemy. i still find it interesting that vv talks up robert. Robert has said some things about vv that you would think would end it, but andre only said cool things and he is on vv's black list. Pretty much Robert and Andre are best friends. Robert moved 2500 miles to live in the same town as Andre.

I really respect Andre, Robert, Mike Weeks and Bobby Rock. All very cool decent guys. Vinnie should have stayed cool with those guys in my opinion.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:48 am
by DaBonadono
Doublev, your knowledge of VV is totally unbelievable. I have always liked reading things that you've typed over the years. You are like the voice of reason. My comment about not believing Mike Weeks was playing the solo on BAGR is because I think it sounds too good to not be Vinnie. I would love to see him play a little in that style just sitting at home or something cool. I also forgot about how Mike Weeks was a touring bassist for Michael Angelo Batia, and I did see the myspace blog about KMA site online.

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:00 am
by doublev
hi dabonadono. thanks. i don't think i am the voice or reason but thanks again. my wife would not agree.

I was just a fan for so long. when i was a kid from 84 to 1991 at least vv was really by far my only hero. used to drive my parents crazy. even my grandma used to get me vinnie vincent stuff for my birthday etc (usually stuff i already had). I cried all day when I heard VVI broke up.. a little stupid, but thats how it was...Its hard to shake that kind of devotion. I did stop listening to rock all together in the 90s as I heavily got into jazz..

I understand what you say about Weeks and sorry to kind of take this a little over board. I think I had an off night.

I agree Weeks sounds great. I hope he gets back to you. It would be nice to know how he achieved the sound. .i think he did say what he used somewhere but I forget.

Again sorry to bust you on this..

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:59 pm
by Slayer
Genebaby wrote:After listening to his version of Boyz Mike is most likely on Vinnie's pooh list, with Andre and most everybody else he's played with.

Why? His fantastic playing on the track along with the vocal! Vinnie would kill to be able to do both.

Mike could be a successor to Vinnie's crown. Maybe Mike could re-do GFH?
Yes, let's petition Mike to remake GFH! LMFAO :twisted:

Re: Is "Mike Weeks" really Vinnie Vincent?

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:03 pm
by DaBonadono
Mike Weeks has excellent credentials. I would love to see him play like VV.

Here's a serious question though, as great of a player that Mike Weeks you think that somebody like Paul Gilbert, Yngwie Malmsteen, Marty Friedman or anyone of that caliber could sound just like VV??? Vinnie has his own "style". Notes are notes, but he has a unique feel when he plays.