Will Vinnie Vincent tour or do some shows outside of the US?

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Will Vinnie Vincent tour or do some shows outside of the US?

Post by Lord12starkl »

Does someone believe that Vinnie might tour or do some shows outside of the US?
He has played a few shows but only in the US, will he ever maybe do some shows in europe?

I'm from Sweden and i would love to see Vinnie play live with a band (here in Malmö, Sweden where i live) that would be awesome for me & for his swedish fans. I can't pay for a plane ticket, hotel and travel to the US just for one show (if he does one).

Is there any chance he might come to europe to play at some nightclubs, theatres or any place where a musician can play?
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Re: Will Vinnie Vincent tour or do some shows outside of the US?

Post by Genebaby »

The chances are zero and below. Vinnie first has to play A show in the US and that looks highly unlikely. People have lost money on the previously announced US shows due to travel and accomodation.

You would definitley not want to make all your arrangements from overseas based on Vinnie's current track record.

Other artists, yeah, if they announce some US shows and your'e able to go, sure, book away, make your plans, go see them. You can't do that with Vinnie.

He talks the talk but he does not walk the walk and it's really becoming a case of the boy who cried wolf, though in this case it's the guy who cried "Vinnie Vincent live with full band rock extravaganza"

Of course it would be great if this wasn't the case. It would even be better if Vinnie just stopped promising stuff that he can't/won't deliver.
Commander in chief - VVF Army
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