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Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:01 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Dear Vinnie Cusano,
I wanted to formerly apologize if I have said anything that has bothered you. I came on this forum as a fan, my posts have been full of love, concern and positive thoughts for you. Had no idea it wasn't your forum. Above the rock star I see you as a human with a heart and soul. I can't believe some of the stuff that is posted's a bunch of mean bullying bullshit. All I did was get attacked when I defended or complimented you. I don't care if the people here hate me go ahead hate me. I am a supportive fan that has been made sick to my stomach over how sad and cruel this site is. I wish you all the best and all the happiness that life has to offer you. I'm sorry all this has happened to you. It's a bunch of fucked up butt hurt shit on their part. They need to change their attitude about how they treat you. You are a special person and I hope you know that. Your loyal true fan Catherine

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:43 am
by tukoztukoz
You forgot to send 10 dollars to Vincent Cusano!

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:44 am
by Streetbeat
FlyingVgirl1988 wrote:Dear Vinnie Cusano,
I wanted to formerly apologize if I have said anything that has bothered you. I came on this forum as a fan, my posts have been full of love, concern and positive thoughts for you. Had no idea it wasn't your forum. Above the rock star I see you as a human with a heart and soul. I can't believe some of the stuff that is posted's a bunch of mean bullying bullshit. All I did was get attacked when I defended or complimented you. I don't care if the people here hate me go ahead hate me. I am a supportive fan that has been made sick to my stomach over how sad and cruel this site is. I wish you all the best and all the happiness that life has to offer you. I'm sorry all this has happened to you. It's a bunch of fucked up butt hurt shit on their part. They need to change their attitude about how they treat you. You are a special person and I hope you know that. Your loyal true fan Catherine
Dear Catherine, what are you looking to do with this post?
Do you think Vinnie Cusano will read and feel better?
Do you really want to make him feel good? Please send him $ 1000 via Paypal.
Did you ever listen to the podcasts? Did you read the stories?
Do you think this is a bullying message board? What for?
Are you sorry for "all this has happened to you" but what do you have to say to the fans that paid him upfront
and never got their money back ? or what do you have to say to the master luthier that handed him 4 guitars
in 2011 and never heard back from Vinnie?

What do you say about the fans that Vinnie left waiting in Europe? Or to the fan that he sold a fake guitar?
Do you know how Vinnie ripped off Gerhard Wimmer?

Do yourself a favor and READ, because your post does not solve anything because you won't get anything
and you are ignoring the truth. That is all. If you were really interested you would learn

DO YOUR HOMEWORK :!topic ... Usw-dUnCPw


Timeline wise Im assuming he was in the band with Gary Shea (Warrior) prior to Kiss?

LRI: I cannot avoid the obvious question. I asked Hirsh but he didn’t really elaborate…..Vinnie is a fantastic writer and a maniac guitar player but what was it actually like to WORK with this enigma?

GS: It was almost impossible. He was very, very difficult to work with. He was THROWN out of KISS of course famously after all of this and the reason why Hirsh probably doesn’t wanna even talk about it is because Vinnie did some really, really nasty things to Hirsh around that time after he was booted from KISS. He did something which was not very nice which was he USED HIRSH to play drums on his new INVASION band’s demo out in BOSTON and then took it out to NEW YORK and just replaced all the drum tracks and got a record deal using the demo that HIRSH recorded. HIRSH not only lost his tracks but he lost all opportunity to make money on the work he allowed VINNIE to do out at his place in Boston. That was VINNIE VINCENT, that’s the kind of bandmember he was. Later on when VINNIE VINCENT INVASION played Providence, Rhode Island and Hirsh had the cops lock up all their amplifiers and equipment. After Hirsh put an order on him and sued him the marshalls came in and closed them down, they had to cancel the gig (laughs). Jimmy and I were in Tokyo with Alcatrazz when that happened and were just happy we weren’t involved (laughs).

LRI: So, it wasn’t like he was difficult to work with on the surface it was more his tendency to be shady and backstabbing?

GS: No, he was difficult to work with right in front of your face (LAUGHS). He was NEVER, EVER happy and would just go insane and constantly change his mind and second guess every single little detail about everything. He was unable to let something go and move on to the next thing. That’s what got him in trouble with KISS. He would call the KISS offices thirty or forty times a day with demands and questions to the point of where they just said “Enough already, GEEZ, calm down man”. He was unable to make a decision or even just settle down and just play guitar. There was some STRANGE stuff going on there with that guy. It was interesting to me because we grew up just a small distance apart from each other and had never met. On one hand he’s a great guy, a lot of personality, a funny guy, a great guitar player, a great songwriter but he is just SO Hard to work with because he OVERTHINKS almost everything! I mean he is an extremely talented guy, before we met him he had played with LAURA NYRO and the YOUNG RASCALS, Treasure, he had done a lot of really great, interesting things and wasn’t an unseasoned guy. Having said that, something has to give when you’re getting kicked out of your own band that you started and the label signs THEM and retitles it Slaughter. He is his own worst enemy.

Maybe everybody is bad and wants to bully Vinnie, that must be the truth !

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:50 am
by poserboy71
Let's not forget what happened to Tommy and Dino.

We love Vinnie. We want good things for him.
In order for the good things to take their deserved course, Vinnie must come clean with a few of his dirty deeds that have unfortunately overshadowed his brilliant talents.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:53 am
by Streetbeat
True, that is 100% true.
Sad thing is that i have been showing many things to Catherine but she does not take the time to read and learn.
She just asks the same things over and over and likes to see what she believes but the real deal, the truth is VERY different
and not so nice and bright, if Vinnie has nothing to fear, why hide then. He is a real crook. I would love it to be different
but we cannot hide the truth.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:01 am
by Genebaby
Oh Catherine, you are really getting sad now.

Just keep reminding yourself, this is a fan forum but it doesn't mean we are blind sheep.

Honestly, who are you woman? What has Vinnie to begin by ever contacting you?

You appear out of nowhere and come on stronger than a hurricane with your love of Vinnie. Objectively you are currently the craziest one here.

Your theme song for Vinnie is: Here I am, love you like a hurricane.

Did someone hypnotize you a few weeks ago so you would wake up a Vinnie slave, who loves Vinnie completely but hasn't even heard all of his work?

You look like you've been around the block a few times, you should know better.

The post that made you change usernames was not an attack, it was spot on. Your post here is an attack and its sad.

Anytime you're upset about something said about you remember: I can't handle the truth.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:04 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Everyone here has had their own personal issue with Vinnie. Never said Vinnie was perfect but he is a human and most of what is talked about is gone way to far. Truth is one thing but to go on and on with the insults is just bullshit. It's cruel. Quit kicking the man while he's down. There are a few people that have been nice to me and they are exempt from my post. My apology to Vinnie is what it is. An apology. If he sees it great if not oh well. I'm not asking for anything from him. For me apologizing is what I wanted to do. Rick, Tom and Danii have been good to me...but some are just mean. Leave my love of Vinnie alone. This isn't a place for fans it's a rant forum on what Vinnie has done to whoever. He has done nothing to me.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:05 am
by Streetbeat
What are you apologizing for, what did you do wrong ? Mostly not seeing the truth.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:10 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Oh and genebaby doublev all the shit you want...I know who I am and that's all that matters. I don't give a fuck about your opinions of me. Just because I don't share the same opinions doesn't make me a crazy Vinnie fan. I see him as a person first. And I can see the difference you are making by raking Vinnie over the coals...ya that helps your situation NOT! I'm a good person. Your choice to think different. I don't care. He reads this forum and sees nothing but hate. I felt like being the adult on this forum and apologize for anything I may have said.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:14 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Regardless what he has done or not done...let it go. Enough is enough. Your hammering of the "truth" is gone way to far.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:30 am
by Genebaby
You're beyond help.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:11 am
by Streetbeat
FlyingVgirl1988 wrote:Regardless what he has done or not done...let it go. Enough is enough. Your hammering of the "truth" is gone way to far.

Regardless what you did or not ...let it go. Enough is enough. Your apologizing for nothing is gone way too far

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:48 am
by Slayer
This forum has been kind to you even allowing you to change your name or persona so that you might have a fresh start when you immediately got into difficulty. Most members have been kind to you considering that you have at times been over the top. So here is the deal:

Your welcome to post glowing tales of love and admiration for Vinnie = Cool

Scolding or attacking other members for their opinions is not cool as they are entitled to them every bit as much as you are entitled to your unconditional love for Vinnie.

Vinnie has done nothing bad to you = cool.
The fact that Vinnie has wronged some people that visit here is uncool and these people are fully entitled to express their opinions and their circumstances. What you have to understand is that we don't take people at their word rather we make them prove what they say and much of the tales that you may not like have sadly been proven to be absolute facts.

Sammy has repeatedly shown you where you could learn more about the real Vinnie Vincent but you have declined to do so. Posting from an uneducated vantage point is ignorance.

A forum is not a place that must endeavor to be politically correct as it is nothing more than a social network where people gather to discuss a common interest. Here we talk about all things Vinnie Vincent, the good, the bad and the ugly.

If you are not OK with this that's alright but wouldn't you be happier not visiting this forum if it bothers you? We are not going to change the direction of this forum for you or Vinnie until Vinnie changes his direction and owns his actions against the people that he has harmed.

Why don't you start your own Master Vinnie Vincent Love Forum where you can control what everyone says and thinks? It has been done before both by Vinnie and others but they never last long because nothing there is the truth or real.

I believe that you're really well intended and sincere which is why we have gone out of our way to be gentle with you but that kindness is not going to continue if you continue to trash this forum and the members here for the opinions that they are entitled too

In conclusion understand that you are entitled to your unconditional love for Vinnie and others are entitled to their hate just as much. If you can't handle both maybe this isn't a place that you will enjoy visiting.

Best Wishes,


Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:31 am
by birnie
Virtual hugs sent to you Kev....
That was great.

Flash backs hapenning for me when I read ..
"Why don't you start your own Master Vinnie Vincent Love Forum where you can control what everyone says and thinks? It has been done before both by Vinnie and others but they never last long because nothing there is the truth or real."

I can remember typing and thinking, 'hope I'm not pissing him off', over nothing
It certainly wasn't a 'real' forum..
Glad it's gone

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:08 pm
by Slayer
Luv you Jas!

Kev :-)

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:46 pm
by birnie
Mwah !


Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:34 pm
by shramiac


Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:54 pm
by BigEd
Someone is getting a good....


Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:21 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
None of the trash you talk fazes me. You just don't get what I'm saying. People don't need to keep smearing him to get a point across. It's like bullying making fun of him. You all want me to think and feel the same way you all do. Sorry it's just not something I agree with. Sorry for your troubles but I don't have any.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:23 am
by Streetbeat
Please post some examples of the bullying you are talking about ???

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:30 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Making fun of his mug shot and the things he does on his website...calling him crazy etc...I just think it's mean and it's not what I'm about. No matter what I write I will always get crap unless I talk about Vinnie like you guys do. I won't. I sure as hell wouldn't want people constantly rubbing my face in shit choices I've made...doesn't change a thing just makes it worse.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:35 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
And Ed fortunately for me I like being spanked. Streetbeat wants me to have thick skin. I do that's why I won't back down. You all can hate me, think I'm stupid whatever. If Vinnie cusano has upset people on here once again sorry for that but I'm not going to get in the bust vinnies balls line.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:36 am
by Streetbeat
Hey, it's the internet !!! Calm down, have you heard about a site called Metal Sludge? you couldn't be there five minutes !!! Lighten up !!!
Are you saying he is not crazy ? Is not crazy having 4 or 5 members to make believe you have a team behind you ? Maybe pathological liar?
That sounds better but you won't accept it im sure. We do not dislike you, but we dislike you ignoring the truth and try to sugar coat it.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:41 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Oh genebaby..I look like I've been around the block a few fuckin shit I'm 41 not 25. I like me and have plenty of compliments daily...sorry if I'm not your cup of tea but I won't lose any sleep over it LOL

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:46 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Vinnie is not perfect and probably has problems like we all do. I'm not going to comment on how crazy you think he is. I'm not going to get personal with him like that. It blows my mind with the info you have tried to show me. I'm not stupid or in denial. People didn't give up on me so I won't give up on him and shit all over him. Its not my place to make fun of what he is doing. It's sad and I feel very sorry for him and others that struggle with anything. I won't pick him apart. I want him to be happy.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:48 am
by Streetbeat
Cat, back to the original question

What are you apologizing for, what did you do wrong ?

" People didn't give up on me so I won't give up on him " Tell us more, what happened ?

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:28 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Seriously they think because they have been quote screwed by Vinnie that they have a right to make fun of him and what he may or may not be going through..he is alone and very private...probably doesn't have anyone close to him or felt love in a long while...but being told your crazy all the time by people you considered your fans is just wrong

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:31 am
by Streetbeat
Ok now seriously let us know please answer for real this time.

What's your contribution?

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:41 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Vinnie is sensitive to what is said about him personally. I did mention sorrow for the loss of Diane etc and that's personal stuff we shouldn't go there even if it is to give sympathy. So I being an adult figured I would apologize in case it offended him. Just being considerate because I'm a nice person.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:47 am
by poserboy71
I have to side with Cat on the way things are being addressed. Love should not be squashed. She has acknowledged what Vinnie has done ( both good and bad) and she has offered support. All of us have been there and some of you might be lashing out because you are reminded of a time when you did the same. Let's just chill out and accept everyone's style and quit the actions that can be misunderstood as attacks. She is a fan of Vinnie. We are fans of Vinnie. No need to argue. Let's enjoy what we can.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:48 am
by poserboy71
I agree. Family is a non-topic .

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:53 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Family and anything personal pertaining to what ever Vinnie is going through if anything at all. Leave him alone.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:31 pm
by Slayer
Cat and Rick,
Nothing is off limits whether it is for Vinnie or Cat. If someone doesn't like a topic move on and don't follow it. If you don't care for a person or their comments designate them a foe and save yourself from reading their comments. I don't think that I have read an instance where anyone has attacked or been mean to Cat however I sense that it may not far away from happening after her illustrations of anger in her posts today. I have said repeatedly than none of us can control anyone or their thoughts and people have to decide for themselves after researching the facts. Everyone should feel comfortable stating their truth good or bad about Vinnie and no one has to agree. Cat shouldn't be scolded for posting her love of Vinnie but equally Cat should NEVER try to silence or scold anyone else that may feel differently for their own reasons. We have seen this same routine play out before by others. So Cat do you hope that if your Vinnies Soldier that he will reach out and contact you? If you really want that I actually hope that you get your opportunity however if the past is the key to the future I think that it is likely that your feelings could be hurt from the experience of interacting with Vinnie fairly quickly. With that said you have every right to find out for yourself so good luck on your quest.

Until then we are straight shooters here so I would ask that you treat others respectfully as you wish to be treated respectfully. If you can't do that we can gladly meet you in the gutter and be as vile as necessary. I really hope that isn't necessary but that is the one and only thing that you are in total control of.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:54 pm
by shramiac
What the above post by Kev says!

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:10 pm
by Streetbeat
Thanks Kev, amazing post !

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:04 pm
by metatron
Kevin, great post.
Cat. No one hates you.
What more can I say?
Just remember this point. No one hates you.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:16 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Speaking my mind on what bothers me about what is said on this forum is not a vile attack on the forum. If I were to launch an attack it wouldn't be like this. Just don't approve of making fun of Vinnie. Truth is one thing but making fun of his possible mental state is wrong. Regardless of his actions some of this is just mean. Oh and I will probably never talk to Vinnie Vincent. He wants to be left alone...can't blame me for wanting to meet someone I musically admire. But it probably won't happen and I'm just fine with that. I don't want to bother him if he wants to be alone.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:53 am
by Vdog
I don't care about Vinnie in the least. This alone sets me apart from most people here. I just dont give a damn about him or anything he may or may not release. You reap what you sow. He is a coward and a very sad little old guy who always held his fans in contempt, i simply feels the same way in return. The olive branch has been held out to him for decades, i would like to club him with it. He remains an interesting enigma, thats it for me.

if you don't like this forum or its members, perhaps you should.....with the greatest respect, piss off 8)

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:44 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
You make no sense. You hate Vinnie but you are on a Vinnie fan forum..weird and it sounds like you need some anger management yourself. And you obviously need help with your reading since I never said I hate all the members. I don't hate anyone but I hate how much negativity is on here. So, as you say, piss off.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:53 am
by Streetbeat
Truth does not equal Negativity, FACT.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:54 am
by Vdog
FlyingVgirl1988 wrote:You make no sense. You hate Vinnie but you are on a Vinnie fan forum..weird and it sounds like you need some anger management yourself. And you obviously need help with your reading since I never said I hate all the members. I don't hate anyone but I hate how much negativity is on here. So, as you say, piss off.

Look at you getting all angry and shit lol. Like i said, he is a curiosity. There really is no hate, i don't have any strong emotions about him. He still remains a piece of human detritus (look it up), frankly he is beneath me.

So you hate that this forum deals in the truth about Vinnie, tough shit :lol: This place makes you "sick to your stomach" yet here you are, still posting, creating another username to have another stab at getting Cussy boy to notice you. Might wanna look into why. Honestly, you are one creepy middle aged woman. I think you have some serious issues :lol:

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:21 am
by Vdog
FlyingVgirl1988 wrote:Seriously they think because they have been quote screwed by Vinnie that they have a right to make fun of him

Sure "they" do. The man is the punchline to many jokes, most of which he created himself. Oh "he is so sad and alone". Yup, thats what happens when you use and abuse everyone around you :idea:

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:49 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
You somehow think you are going to bother me by taking shots at me being middle fucking shit aren't you brilliant. I'm 41 not 22 duh...don't give a fuck what you think...I'm not angry but don't put up with someone going out of their way to be a dick. Don't care if he notices...that's his choice to or not to. You don't know me so stop making personal references. Not my fault you can't get laid. Bitter little man.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:51 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
No reason to continuously make fun of him. Maybe you should look into why you have so many anger issues. If Vinnie is this way you are just as bad.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:53 am
by Streetbeat
What was the reason to change username and create a new one? You talk the same way and now you sound a bit angry.
I Still like Vertigodolly very much, not this new name, everyone noted it was you.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:53 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Well actually vdog Mr. Cusano has never launched a personal attack against me so you definitely win the grumpy asshole award.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:54 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Well actually vdog Mr. Cusano has never launched a personal attack against me so you definitely win the grumpy asshole award.

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:57 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
And streetbeat I'm not angry just speaking my mind on how things are on this forum. It's just mean at times. I'm still the same girl regardless of names...I got blasted for being one and got blasted being this one..can't please everyone

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:58 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
And streetbeat I'm not angry just speaking my mind on how things are on this forum. It's just mean at times. I'm still the same girl regardless of names...I got blasted for being one and got blasted being this one..can't please everyone

Re: Apology to Vincent Cusano

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:59 am
by FlyingVgirl1988
Weird my phone is double posting...never mind the repeat