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Here's the truth

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:03 pm
by BigEd
My name is Ed, some people know me as "CRDEDWARD" from Vinnie's Double V Forum...I recently sent some (PM'S) to a few old friends and some other individuals, this will be my 1st post on this forum and I just need to clear up a few things in regards to me being here. Back in July 2011, I was asked to join this group as a favor to Vinnie, but since then I have had no contact with any of you, I had almost daily contact with Vinnie and posted all of his High School photo's and various photo's of Bridgeport that were dear to him, Vinnie was upset that some of these photo's were leaked, I was sent a message that stated Vinnie didn't hold me responsible and he knew my intentions were sincere and that I had been a loyal member of his forum, but the damage was done and Vinnie decided to pull the plug. I came here on "MY OWN FREE WILL" and as 1 member of your forum stated...Vinnie would be LIVID if he ever knew you were here !!! I'm sure word will get out to Vinnie that I am here and that will basically cut all my ties with him...I'm not a spy or a zombie as 1 member put it, I am a fan just like all of you....just wanting to see and hear the man play again !!! Ed

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:09 pm
by shramiac
Welcome Ed. What ever Vinnie thinks, does, reacts etc to us, we are ALL in agreement on one thing.

Kick our asses with your guitar Vinnie!!!!!


Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:28 pm
by erg2

I think if you read most of the site, the underlying sentiment here is that we all love the music Vinnie Vincent has created and we want to hear more music from him.

But we also will not blindly ignore how he has mistreated some of us, stolen money from some of us (proven), or lied to us (also proven). We will not pretend the man is a saint and walk on eggshells.

But more than anything else...we want music.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:25 am
by doublev2
Ed, you are doing things the right way. really appreciate this. Excuse me for posting your pm. It's best to all be friends and work things out.
i know you mean only good and would help vv out in any way you could. I wish vv would come here and face the music. That's the only way to clean the slate .
Thanks again ed.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:44 am
by 1031
Welcome, Lots of great Vinnie stuff and fans here.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:07 am
by Vdog
Ok Ed, I'm sorry for the Zombie comment. You have to remember that we get attacked here fairly often by people who will not accept proven facts. If that's not what you are about then I take it back.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:07 am
by PinkWiz

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:30 am
by doublev2
Yeah I am guilty too. And also I should not post pms but I was getting sick of things.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:53 am
by wolfgang161272
Hi Ed. Big welcome from Germany to this special fan place!
We are all still great fans of Vinnie's music and shred style and not a hate forum!

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:10 am
by poserboy71
doublev2 wrote:Yeah I am guilty too. And also I should not post pms but I was getting sick of things.
Kudos to all of you for taking responsibility for your comments .
Dino, I support everyone posting anything that draws us closer to truth.Great job !!!!

I appreciate that Ed wasn't on the defensive and posted an honest message in response.Thanks.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:47 am
by Streetbeat
Welcome aboard Ed !

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:24 am
by ankh
Welcome, i hope this will have not too many consequences on your friendship with him.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:29 pm
by Slayer
Welcome Ed from California!


Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:37 pm
by jesternjeff
Share some stories Ed !!!!

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:32 pm
by doublev2
Vv still likes onefinger even though he comes on the board and vv booted him, he also replied to Quentin after he got the boot... I think ed will be ok. Vv may have authorized it anyway.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:37 pm
by KissMyAss
Why does Vinnie get livid about someone just being here? Is that like, "I don't want you associating with....."?

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:51 pm
by doublev2
He makes rules. To be friends with vv you have to follow the rules or you are considered a vile roach. Simple as that . It's friend or enemy with him.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:50 pm
by erg2
He wants to have control. He doesn't have control of what's going on in his professional life, his personal life or really anything...which has got to be hard on anybody. So he finds places to have control.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:28 pm
by onefinger
doublev2 wrote:Vv still likes onefinger even though he comes on the board and vv booted him, he also replied to Quentin after he got the boot... I think ed will be ok. Vv may have authorized it anyway.
I don't care if he likes me or hates me...
I like people on this board and vv's music.That's all !! :)

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:30 pm
by Streetbeat
hey onefinger ! let's give vinnie the finger :D

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:51 am
by BigEd
Just for the record and this is "MY" personal experience...Vinnie was never controlling to me, he was always pleasant & very thankful for all the postings & pic's...he treated us kinda like family, he only asked for respect and loyality from the members of the forum, it was a cool place to be....Ed

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:09 am
by 1031
BigEd wrote:Just for the record and this is "MY" personal experience...Vinnie was never controlling to me, he was always pleasant & very thankful for all the postings & pic's...he treated us kinda like family, he only asked for respect and loyality from the members of the forum, it was a cool place to be....Ed
Interesting family ya had there Ed.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:33 am
by Vdog
BigEd wrote:Just for the record and this is "MY" personal experience...Vinnie was never controlling to me, he was always pleasant & very thankful for all the postings & pic's...he treated us kinda like family, he only asked for respect and loyality from the members of the forum, it was a cool place to be....Ed
That's fair enough if that is your experience, Ed. BUT

He abused and booted people without good reason that gave him that loyalty and respect. To the many he did this to he's not worthy of the loyalty and respect he was shown for years. It also puzzles me how seemingly good people stand by and watch this happening and then basically turn on them at Cusano's behest. Utterly bizarre to me, it shows no sense of morals and common decency. It's a real "fuck you I'm alright" attitude.

I'd be interested in how you feel about how people have been treated, privately or otherwise...I don't mind. Honest talk, that's why we are here imo.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:08 am
by doublev2
Ed yeah he was pleasant but you had to toe the line. If you asked about how a song was written you would get the boot or the new term.. you would get 'vinnied'.
Ed, surely you knew you had to be careful.
But anyway its only when you get 'vinned' do you really know who he is and then its too late.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:13 am
by Streetbeat
we all got Vinnied ! omg my warrior caught posting to himself !

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:15 am
by doublev2
yeah, and surely ed you know spyder is vinnie.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:34 am
by poserboy71
BigEd wrote:Just for the record and this is "MY" personal experience...Vinnie was never controlling to me, he was always pleasant & very thankful for all the postings & pic's...he treated us kinda like family, he only asked for respect and loyality from the members of the forum, it was a cool place to be....Ed
Ed, I saw the entire debacle.I was soundly there the entire time. Family???? Pass the Kool-Aid and put on your Nike shoes. What did you think about him flirting with his Angels ????

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:39 am
by jesternjeff
... and surely you know, one day Im being thanked by Vinnie & Spider, the day after I was booted. " They " Spider / Vinnie praised my idea of people donating a few bucks so he could get his feet back on the ground. Booted the next day for asking if the story of him selling a fan a guitar he had never played for more then it was worth true & why ?
Ed didn't you find it strange that when you were on his forum people would go missing everyday and the group kept getting smaller ? You had to have known something was up ... what's up w/ that ? Being close to him , did you not ask any questions pertaining to that ?

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:57 am
by BigEd
I will try to answer your questions the best way I know...While on the Forum, my main objection was to learn more about Vinnie himself and what he's been up to and to bring back some amazing memories to him. I never really got involved in the Party's or the Angel's business....or watching how many people were booted or "Vinnied" as you say. I'm sure there were specific reason for their departure but that is not up to me to decide, I never had to worry about myself because Vinnie knew the kind of guy I was.... Ed

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:29 am
by poserboy71
I was booted because other people wrote an article about Vinnie and it was released in a Nashville rag.
I kept my word to Vinnie until he PM'd people from his forum asking them to attack my friends here at the VVFF.

Did you get those PM's from Vinnie also ?

Thanks for being polite .

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:43 am
by KissMyAss
doublev2 wrote:He makes rules. To be friends with vv you have to follow the rules or you are considered a vile roach. Simple as that . It's friend or enemy with him.
What incentive is there to follow VV's rules, then? Friendship is supposed to be unconditional. Friend or enemy are the only two options I want with VV :lol: :lol:

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:40 am
by poserboy71
Well said KMA.

My true friends have called me on my shit and have stuck by my side through the muckiest of shit.
I have done the same for them.
I have done the same with V.
WE have done the same with V.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:25 am
by BigEd
Hey...I'm sorry that some of you have not had good experience's while on the Forum, I am not going to judge or cast stones at Vinnie or any of you for what honestly happened, how you feel or what you post. I would prefer to concentrate on getting Vinnie to release some of his music and playing live is to short and sometimes the past must be put behind and look to the future...Vinnie still has everything that made him great and it's very quite possible that there is something in the works... Ed

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:40 am
by shramiac
BigEd wrote: I would prefer to concentrate on getting Vinnie to release some of his music and playing live is to short and sometimes the past must be put behind and look to the future...Vinnie still has everything that made him great and it's very quite possible that there is something in the works... Ed

You're a man after my own heart!!!! :) :) :)

Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:01 pm
by Genebaby
It's always possible that something is in the works with Vinnie. It's a carrot he likes to dangle.

The guitars at NAMM actually did happen but ridiculous pricing meant instant fail, which was a shame for all concerned.

We would love the actual release of the GFH songs in high quality and anything else Vinnie has to offer. We've been saying it for years, he could be making honest money but he chooses to price things out of the stratosphere and deals fall through.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:37 pm
by Slayer
onefinger wrote:
doublev2 wrote:Vv still likes onefinger even though he comes on the board and vv booted him, he also replied to Quentin after he got the boot... I think ed will be ok. Vv may have authorized it anyway.
I don't care if he likes me or hates me...
I like people on this board and vv's music.That's all !! :)
That's the right attitude friend!

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:40 pm
by KissMyAss
poserboy71 wrote:Well said KMA.

My true friends have called me on my shit and have stuck by my side through the muckiest of shit.
I have done the same for them.
I have done the same with V.
WE have done the same with V.
Thank you, Rick.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:41 pm
by doublev2
Love onefinger.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:33 pm
by KissMyAss
BigEd wrote:Hey...I'm sorry that some of you have not had good experience's while on the Forum, I am not going to judge or cast stones at Vinnie or any of you for what honestly happened, how you feel or what you post. I would prefer to concentrate on getting Vinnie to release some of his music and playing live is to short and sometimes the past must be put behind and look to the future...Vinnie still has everything that made him great and it's very quite possible that there is something in the works... Ed
Fair. Hopefully, Vinnie will release some new material. I've always liked the Warrior sound, myself. The guy has a good voice, and his music sounds better a little raw.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:39 pm
by MatthewF
I wish I could believe that last sentence until it happens though I'm skeptical.

Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:41 pm
by Genebaby
doublev2 wrote:Love onefinger.
I love all his fingers! They do wonderful things to guitar necks!

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:41 pm
by BigEd
I do believe that there is something in the works and that his guitars at NAMM were'nt just a tease...They were beautiful and pricey but I'll leave that up to you guitar players to decide. I'll bet my $$$$$ that Vinnie is mastering the GFH as we speak, he's a perfectionist and it has to be just right or there is no sense of doing it at all...Ed

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:14 pm
by poserboy71
Ed, Here's the big question:

Do you speak to Vinnie NOW or are you just going by your gut feeling as to what he is doing ?
Where are you getting your information ?

Vinnie has been invited hear to speak his mind. We have offered to make this a PRIVATE forum for his comfort.
The offer still stands.

It is up to him.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:17 pm
by erg2
The idea that Vinnie is remixing and mastering GFH is disheartening. This is an album that was recorded nearly 20 years ago. How much more remixing and mastering could it need? Also, and this is strictly MY OPINION, the bootlegs of GFH I have tracked down that sounded the best were the ones that were clearly the least tinkered with. More raw. More real drums. Fewer layers. Less cutting and pasting.

Knowing that is truly a matter of taste, I am positive that there are people who like the heavily worked versions of the songs. And that's fine. I like them too...just not as much. And I would buy ANY release from Vinnie long as it is not directly from him since I will not even give him the chance to rip me off a second time. No pre-orders. It has to be from a trusted retailer like Amazon or KISS Museum.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:58 am
by doublev2
I want to hear the 1990 gfh for enigma recorded in los Angeles with robert and andre. Not a mid 90s remaster or anything since.. just as much as I woukdnt want a rerecordrd version of the first vvi record

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:07 am
by doublev2
Ed he has been saying gfh has been coming since 1989. He told me in 2010 it was months or weeks away. As for namm vv didnt make those guitars or put out any money and les kero paid for the booth.. you can hardly call it vv doing something for the fans. Tom and les did something for the fans.. not vv.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:08 am
by doublev2
Vv says gfh is coming for a rise and attention.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:44 am
by erg2
doublev2 wrote:I want to hear the 1990 gfh for enigma recorded in los Angeles with robert and andre. Not a mid 90s remaster or anything since.. just as much as I woukdnt want a rerecordrd version of the first vvi record
Exactly. My guess is that the mixdown from those sessions with a professional engineer/producer are truly something to hear.

When I listen to "The EP", it sounds disjointed with all the cutting and pasting. And I swear that even within the individual songs there are portions of real drums and portions of drum machine. (I could be wrong.) And the mix with the guitars SO overwhelmingly high, the vocals too low, the bass almost non-existent robs the songs of all the dynamism.

A few weeks ago when I came across that ALT-version of GET THE LED OUT...I was blown away at how powerful these songs could be. (I think it's this one - ) SO much better than the EP version. THIS is metal!

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:57 am
by doublev2
The only thing I can think is the record label who paid for the recording may own the music but I doubt it and doubt anyone at the label that owns enigma records catalog even knows about the recording.

Re: Here's the truth

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:20 am
by Portillo
erg2 wrote:The idea that Vinnie is remixing and mastering GFH is disheartening. This is an album that was recorded nearly 20 years ago. How much more remixing and mastering could it need? Also, and this is strictly MY OPINION, the bootlegs of GFH I have tracked down that sounded the best were the ones that were clearly the least tinkered with. More raw. More real drums. Fewer layers. Less cutting and pasting.
We'll all be dead by the time he releases anything.