Hearfelt Letter to Vinnie

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Hearfelt Letter to Vinnie

Post by Genebaby »

DISCLAIMER: This is a RESPECTFUL letter with the KINDEST of intentions. Spyder-Please leave this on the board for ALL to read. Use me as the poster-boy of a confused fan. Use me as the whipping boy if you must.

Hello, my name is Rick Schobel from Austintown,Ohio. I started off as Poserboy71 on the DoubleV Forums in September of 2009. I was very excited about the RUMOURS of any new Vinnie product because Vinnie has played an integral part in my rock-n-roll inspiration and aspirations. Being a 38 year old man, I have become desensitized over the years to a lot of things, so for me to be overwhelmed by the RUMOURS was SPECIAL to me!!!

My first concert ever was Kiss February 22,1983 COTN tour. I even had the extreme pleasure of meeting Vinnie on the ASG tour (picture on the Vinnie Vincent Fan Forum). My nerves were racing like a child on Christmas morning awaiting the news (FINALLY !!!) that Vinnie is coming back. I was enjoying speaking to all of the new friends that I met on the board, THEN... ...NOTHING!!! The Doublev Forum disappears and is shut down. Is it for good? Usually the owner or moderator would post something to the effect of "CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE". I didn't know what to think. I received an invitation to a new Vinnie Forum where all of my friends went and I accepted it. This is where things went horribly wrong. For signing up to the new forum, I was deleted from the DoubleV Forum. ALL OF US WERE LOCKED OUT.

I actually REGRET voicing my curiosities of wanting to see Vinnie's house for I had heard RUMOURS that he had fallen on hard times. BIG MISTAKE on my part - Maybe I had watched too many MTV Cribs episodes? My point was, if he had fallen from grace, I would have gladly sent him some cash (expecting nothing in return) to help better his situation.

Through the last few months, there have been more rumours. Who is who? Can we sneak on each other's boards? Is the DoubleV forum now the "OFFICIAL" Vinnie Forum? ---Why would/should I be loyal to an "UNOFFICIAL" forum?

With RESPECT to you Spyder, since I don't know you, why should I take YOUR word about Vinnie as the gospel? Vinnie ,to my knowledge, has not made anything "OFFICIAL". WHAT GOOD ARE YOU DOING BY SHUTTING OUT TRUE, ALBEIT CURIOUS, FANS? We are just looking for the truth (to our fault) about someone whose talents have touched us immensely. Why can't the RUMOURS subside and all of us have an INCREDIBLE community of Vinnie Fans?

I couldn't care less if Vinnie is a fat, balding, hermaphrodite, that has converted to Judaism. The only thing I care about is that he is healthy and surrounded by a loving family! I want THAT more than a comeback. The comeback would be a true blessing and a BI BONUS for all of his fans

We sort through all of the RUMOURS to find the TRUTH. All of this NEWS that is being reported by YOU AND OTHERS is just RUMOUR until Vinnie Vincent (the man himself) makes it official.

Can you understand how many times that I have gotten my hopes up of Vinnie making a comeback in the last two decades only to be met with disappointment? DO YOU?

Do you understand how much it hurts to be a fan of someone that might be the person behind a screen name that is calling you an ASSHOLE? That is why I am here under my own name. To show my love and respect for Vinnie.

There are rules to follow here which I DO respect. Why then are there people that are still allowed on the board that have not filled out their COMPLETE information. That only leads to more speculation. It seems to me like someone actually enjoys the speculation instead of SQUASHING THE RUMOURS completely.

Let's get into who MAY own this site. According to the disgraced former moderator, Vinnie Vincent now owns it. According to the former moderator and others, Vinnie is Spyder ,SuzieQ, Hard4metal, Rain, FaithNoMore, etc... What and who do I believe? I know that the ousted fans of the new forum make up A LOT of the people here. Most of the accounts posted on the members page are not active. Only a handful of people post here. Just how many are Vinnie?

Vinnie Vincent and Spyder have SUPPOSEDLY used the exact same e-mail address in contacting the former moderator. Is it MY fault that these RUMOURS get discussed? Am I a horrible person for searching for the TRUTH?

There are fans that got taken in the BOX SET fiasco that ARE STILL FANS and willing to do anything to help Vinnie come back. Hell, if people have forgiven murderers in our society they can certainly forgive losing $100.00 dollars. Whatever the reason Vinnie couldn't deliver the box set, people still believe in him as I do. If Vinnie had an explanation of any kind ("I fell on hard times", ETC...) then people could forgive. If there was just a simple, "I'M SORRY that my fans lost their money." - People would most likely FORGIVE.

Most people are GOOD and have GOOD INTENTIONS. I am sorry that people have misunderstood my fan-dom towards Vinnie. I am sorry for all of the misunderstandings. I am truly saddened by all of this.

All of this "Hurry up and Wait" attitude is very draining. Again, it is just more of the same from the past 22 years. Promises, THEN NOTHING. I want so much to be an ACCEPTED fan of Vinnie with a MUTUAL admiration existing. I would love to own an AUTHENTIC Vinnie Vincent signature model guitar. I would love to purchase new and unreleased music from Vinnie. I would be the first in line for a concert. I hope to shake his hand one day and have the nerve that I didn't at 16 years of age to tell him what his music means to me.

Everyone, I invite you now to go over to the Vinnie Vincent FAN FORUM and look at the pictures section under "A YOUNG POSERBOY AND VINNIE". That is a nervous kid meeting someone he admires. I was starting to get that MAGICAL feeling back again only to be crushed by RUMOUR and speculation.

Spyder, how do I make amends? Is it possible? Am I an ASSHOLE? Are my curiosities sick? Are my questions about specific rumours too hard for someone to give an honest answer to? Is this the "OFFICIAL" Vinnie Vincent Forum or just another fan forum?

I believe everything can be fixed with a few words from Vinnie. I hope against hope that a MIRACLE happens in those regards. All of us have said things in anger, anticipation, joy, and sorrow. I ask of you NOW to make this better and be a kind person that brings all of the Vinnie Vincent fans together.

The only things that exist now are RUMOURS and ANGER and that is not healthy for ANYONE. Let's make things the best for the RUMORED return of Vinnie Vincent.

I can only wish that Vinnie reads this and has some answer to the mess this has become.
By the way, Can I please stay on this forum? You have my REAL information.

KINDEST regards, HONESTLY A TRUE FAN FOREVER- Rick Schobel Austintown, Ohio
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Post by Genebaby »

The above is a letter posted by our very own Rick Poserboy on the DoubleV forum.

Vinnie, man up. You are tearing your fans apart.
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Post by metatron »

Nothing more to be said. That said it all. Hope the person/s who read this appreciate where your coming from & like Vic said, 'Man up' & take some responsibility. At least have the common decency to reply to you. Good on you Rick. :D
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by VVV »

There are those artists that choose to leave the music business for whatever reason. It's their choice. Sometimes that come out of the woodwork and appease their fans, and if they're lucky they pump out some more music. Vito Bratta and Jake E. Lee certainly fit that bill. How many rumors were floating around about those two??

However, these two somewhat "former" artists did eventually come forward and man-up to their fans, although they were certainly under no obligation to. They way they came back seemed more composed and respectful to their fans however. They didn't harbor the resentment and didn't become manipulative or deceptive. At least Dino came out and made his peace and made total sense. He doesn't hide behind screen names. Unless V comes public with something as simple as a youtube video, it's Dino and the Fans 1 and V zero.
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Post by metatron »

Hi VVV, very good points. (I preview my posts nowerdays b4 posting them...i still screw up typo anyways :D )
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by Slayer »

Rick and Drew those were both heart felt posts. Even some one like me who just this last weekend was branded asshole and asked to never post on the DoubleV Forum again could forgive if there could be some level of honesty restored. I don't need a fucking apology just step up like a 58 year old man and say this is Vinnie and I'm back. "I'm taking baby steps to see if I want to be back but right now I want to eventually release my signature guitar through AZG and if I feel inclined maybe some music down the line." Retire the hardformetal, Spyder, SusieQRocks and other monickers and be Vinnie. After all it's who you are and why we are all here.

You are beyond fucking lucky to have every one of us here at The Vinnie Vincent Fan Forum supporting your endeavors. I know that it's very hard for you to trust people but the knowledge and expertise is right here to help you make a respectable come back if you ever decide that you want to? Met your fans half way and just sit back and count your money!

Do the right thing Uncle Vinnie!

Post by doublev »

Excellent letter poserboy. We will see what Vinnie is made of. I did email a very polite letter to him a while ago and I got nothing back so we will see.
Thanks drew, I am actually very humbled from what you said after all our ups and downs.
I would have never started anything if vin had been clear to fans on what my role had been on the board and that I gifted it to him so my friends knew that I wasn't deleting the. I had no choice in my mind to defend myself.
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

I'm verry impressed...The letter you've written is totally my opinion too. Wow, it can't be better, excellent poserboy!!!

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Post by ankh »

Would it be a good idea to post it also on kissfaq.com?Let other people know what's going on, especially V fans who don't know any better and have been misleaded by Spyder?And, also on behalf the good name of this forum, since i'm sure Spyder has spread bad rumours about this forum as well?

I think it's a great letter, i'm not sure it will get any answer, but the main point was to write such an heartfelt, adult and open letter.Kudos to you!!

Post by doublev »

i agree.

he would be wise to answer it in a positive way. lets see.

Post by doublev »

we all would be easy to get back on side with some truth, explanation and some sort of apology however small. he would have an active friendly board and surely everyone would be happy.

Post by doublev »

i signed up to the board and i see no post from rick, looks like its gone. totally from the heart letter and its gone.
This confirms things for me. Vinnie wants old fans and cares nothing about fans. he only cares to get sales for the guitar. and he is going about that in the worst possible way.
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

Just in the moment I was in the old forum. The letter was deleted.
This has me pissed off totally. Spyder, you are such an asshole, I could puke!
If that is the answer to the letter of poserboy, and behind it really puts Vinnie, fuck you damn buckhead

Post by doublev »

As Vinnie doesn't seem to care about nice letters from the heart .. this was the letter I got after asking Vinnie why I was deleted from the board the first time. It was a real shock.

Anyway i hope this clears up any queries that spyder is not Vinnie, I got hundreds of emails from vvirtual and also another address . If he had been honest and given the fans the time I would have not posted this. BUT if spyder consitantly will not admit what is going on I have to present the truth. Don't forget I got deleted without any warning and after I had gifter the domain and forum for the love of it rather than any charge. Even if I was not doing a good job (which i had told him that week i was busy) I see no need for a life long fan who had been nothing more than wanting to help him out and it was an honour to work with him. I was in total shock when I was deleted. I am in total shock he would delete all his fans. I think also it shoutl

[quote]vvirtual.user@cox.net to me
show details Jul 1

You wanted to know why you were deleted. Here’s why.
This was a business decision. You have violated the trust.

You were questioned numerous times to explain how to accomplish various Administrative functions which you either refused to answer, or you answered very cryptically, without a full explanation. Your failure to provide the instructions requested of you underscores a questionable motive and intent. You were asked to perform certain tasks which again you failed to implement. You responded selectively to the instructions you, as the Administrator, were given, which again appears to underscore a personal motive and intent with a veiled disagreement as to certain executive decisions that were made. The Board needs a Moderator who will answer to the Administrator. This means a quick and direct response to the Administrator’s questions posed and the implementation of changes per instruction requested by the Administrator on a moment’s notice, without question or raising doubt as to the administrator’s decisions, whether you are in agreement with those decisions or not.

Further, you virtually disappeared completely from the Board quite some time ago, and refused to respond to members who asked you questions or wanted to know where you were. You have not been effectively monitoring the Board. Several detrimental negative topics were opened recently which needed immediate attention but you, did nothing. Your services were needed but you were nowhere to be found.
Your “busy scheduleâ€
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Post by shramiac »

He's a perfectionist but can't spell Goran's name correctly! The deletion of Rick's letter is a major bummer.
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Post by Shred4hire »

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Post by VVV »

"Your efforts were greatly appreciated, yet your complaint of not receiving a “promisedâ€
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Post by Genebaby »

Interesting writing style. Very Adolf.

"What do you mean you didn't gas the jews today! You have disobeyed a direct order from the Administrator!!!" :evil:
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Post by shramiac »

Didn't G & P describe one of their lead guitarists in a similar fashion? Hmm.... which one was it? Hmmmmm.... I'll have to think about that!
Promises made, crying in vain, all empty. Never accepting the blame and not letting go of the shame. A river of tears, as months turn to years, all wasted. On someone not willing to change.Now only a shadow remains! :(
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Post by Genebaby »

It's frickin' sad that it was deleted.

That is another massive kick in the guts to the fanbase. Total disrespect and disregard.

The tone of Dino's emails confirms the personality we are dealing with.
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Post by birnie »

Catching up on a few days absense.
What a great letter Poserboy....and deleted :(

This whole thing is such a fiasco, i don't belive we will ever see any material, guitars or CD's. it'll just go pear shaped again with blame pointed at us.
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Post by Shred4hire »

some people, need others to blame because they cannot accept responsiblity for there actions , its always some one else's fault .. right ???
blame us blane this one or that one or gene or paul or what ever .

i feel like hes just impossible youll have better luck getting new material from shawn lane ( rip)
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Post by Genebaby »

I'll tell you what Vinnie. How about you do squat for years and years.

Like a really looooong time.

I'm not even going to consider Speedball Jam a release as it's not worth mentioning.

So the last thing we have from you is the EP in 1996. 14 years ago.

Then, how about you resurface, abuse your fanbase and make the first product available from yourself in years an expensive custom guitar.

Good luck with that.
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Post by metatron »

chris bickley wrote: i feel like hes just impossible youll have better luck getting new material from shawn lane ( rip)
Poor Guy, died from complexations due to psoriatic arthritis & smoking. Very sad.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by Shred4hire »

yes mr lane was awesome its a shame
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Post by metatron »

Genebaby wrote:
I'm not even going to consider Speedball Jam a release as it's not worth mentioning.So the last thing we have from you is the EP in 1996. 14 years ago..
Vic, love it, much you HATE Speedball Jam. I feel the same.
I'm going to make my own Speedball Jam cd. Record my self noodling around the fret board @ hyper speed for an hours or so. Get some old band photos of myself, sell it on e-bay for 50 bucks. Sounds good
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by Shred4hire »

hey man ill do it too .. of course ill be stuck with coasters for coffee cups and beers at my house cuz no one will buy it LOL
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Post by Genebaby »

Speedball Jam. I don't HATE it, but it was a waste of a release.

At the very least they could have put a track listing on it, with dates/info on each time we heard the damn solo.

The single track from hell was just a joke.

The cover was nice, and I have one in my collection now thanks to Richie. It's just something to have. Kiss fans do it all the time, lol.
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Post by metatron »

I've got an idea. Lets all get together & made a VV 'Speedball Jam' tribute cd. Everyone submit a 5min audio file of themselves doing a hyper shredding wank-athon whammy damage guitar solos. We'll sell on e-bay for fun.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble gum.
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Post by Genebaby »

Sounds like something I could do. Fretboard fury in no particluar key, I can handle that......let me set the delay nice and looooong!!!! :D
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Post by Slayer »

In regards to Vinnie's Dismissal Letter to you it has a real legal edge to the language. I believe that he wrote it but that he used some employer disiplinary letter as a template for it.

Here let's write like Vinnie ......


Friends there is little grasp of reality left inhabiting the brain of this ONCE amazing musician. When I read and witness this demencia I wonder if this once great player could even muster a rendition of "Mary Had A Little Lamb" anymore?
If he thinks what I'm writing is bullshit then prove me wrong! :evil:

We all challenge you! Can you even still play?

Post by doublev »

As for the gift. I didn't ask for it, he told me many times it was in the post. I just pointed that out to him. If someone says a package is in the post you kind of look forward to it, yet 5 months of telling me a package in the post is a little disapointing.
Yes he talks like I was a paid employee not someone who took no money and spent lots of time helping him out. I don't know what cryptic response I gave but I think it maybe that I suggested that it would be a great idea to have a clip of some unheard music playing over the youtube catalog. I don't think he cares too much for suggestions if he is in the wrong mood. I have many more emails I will keep in reserve.
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Post by Streetbeat »

doublev wrote: I suggested that it would be a great idea to have a clip of some unheard music playing over the youtube catalog.
That would have been perfect ! or can you imagine a new recording...just a crazy solo ...for example like the beginning of KISS exposed where they used Fits like a Glove ...it matches perfectly !
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Post by Genebaby »

Yes, something like that sure would have made the Aliens rip-off trailer more exiting.

What the hell is this video catalog we are all waiting for? Is it just a clip with guitars, or something online you can click to see guitars?

How about some info, and heaven forbid there is a cool soundtrack playing while we're looking at the guitars. It's not like Vinnie is a musician or something....oh...hang on..... :roll:
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Post by doublev »

it will be four guitars that Tom has made. In May the colors were going to be pink/silver (like JAckson), silver/purple (like Jackson) , White/Gold (like Carvin) special 25 anniversary (gold like 82 creatures with a dark gold shadow) and also the same look as Pear.

My understanding is that Tom will make all 4 and photograph them and then we will get the same type of youtube ad as the 'its alive' thing, but with some sort of ordering details and pricing. I think maybe the pricing etc may come in a second ad. I think for sure they will have to have a website as I see no way to get that through a youtube ad.

Funny how how we kept getting updates that the thing is just around the corner and now its going to be fall. This happened on the original website too.

I doesn't see what pleasure there is in showing us something we can not afford.

Why he doesn't put out music before hand I will not know, unless he's hoping to fund the music from sales.

What happens if you put a deposit down on a guitar and then sign up here?? is that the end of your deposit????

Getting personal with fans is a huge mistake.
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

My perfectionist ways want the perfect presentation. Hopefully tomorrow. Stasy tuned.

*LOL* His PERFECTIONIST ways. His EP: the sound is bullshit, the drums are bullshit.
Is this the perfectionis ways????
If my work would be so shitty, no one would come to me to be treated.
Fuck you forever Mr. hypocritical asshole.
Only to pull money out of the pockets of the fans is not the way to keep fans any longer.
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

From now on we go separate ways. You are a gifted guitarist, but you are a human total whistle!
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

Spyder Vinnie, if you want lock me out FOREVER.
I will never visit your crappy side
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Post by Genebaby »

I love how you write Wolfgang!!
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Post by wolfgang161272 »

Genebaby wrote:I love how you write Wolfgang!!
I'm from Germany. English is for me a foreign language. But I hope that you'll understand what I feel and I think - although that may sound funny.
But I'll try to write better!!!!!
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Post by poserboy71 »

doublev wrote:
Getting personal with fans is a huge mistake.
I have to disagree there. The way he is doing it right now(HIDING) can be looked at as a mistake. There are ways to be personal and gracious and still keep an artist / fan relationship in tact. Ask Cheap Trick about that.

Rick -PB71-
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Post by metatron »

wolfgang161272 wrote:
Genebaby wrote:I love how you write Wolfgang!!
I'm from Germany. English is for me a foreign language. But I hope that you'll understand what I feel and I think - although that may sound funny.
But I'll try to write better!!!!!
wolfgang161272, you speak English a lot better than I will ever be able to speak German.
If anything, you have not fallen into the trap of using slang terms, & in that way you speak proper English.
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I'm all out of bubble gum.

Poserboy, I meant by person.

Post by doublev »

Poserboy. I meant its a big mistake to get in personal fights and hold grudges against fans.
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Post by poserboy71 »

Sorry Dino,I realized that afterwards and I couldn't change my post so I just left it. I've been so callous lately .:oops:
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Post by ankh »

i've found something that could be right for a situation like this...

Those people were mistreated by a man with ,huh, noble origins, who demanded for people to leave the road free when he was passing by in his car, so they ask to a man what they could do about it, to teach him manners....if you can, please watch it til the very end 8).it is in Italian, but i think anybody can understand the general meaning :wink:

I will provide a traslation of it, if you ask me so.
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Post by Genebaby »

Interesting Ankh, I thought that young guy near the end may have been a hitman!!

But yes, a lesson in humility would not go astray here.
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Post by doublev »

Eduardo De Filiippo.

Ankh, do you like Toto?
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Post by ankh »

The young man near the end was asking an advice on how to use the razoer to scar somebody.When the old man knew tha t the young man wante d to scar a woman who did say "no" to him, he did scold the foolish yourn man and warned him to not do anything foolish.That was also put there to show how much of a great man the "professor" was.

Dino, you mean De Curtis? 8)

Yes, of course :wink:
I can quote many of his lines.Often they were hiding some wisdom, others were double entendre without ever being vulgar.He was great.
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Post by metatron »

Dino this, Toto....Toto Cutugno
I got Jesus in my fax machine. I saw Ho Chi Minh down @ Burger King. I dated Vinnie Vincent as a Drag Queen. I still don't understand a f**kin' thing.
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Post by ankh »

no,no,no, he means Totò

Toto cotugno, bleurgh

I've expalined , mroe of less wha t did happen after Rick heartfelt letter in another forum, people were gutted.
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