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Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:09 am
by poserboy71
Hey guys, I had to come back and explain myself. I can't stand to see the forum get to the level of hatred that it has gotten to. I started to see all of the things that we were being accused of come into fruition.

Just because things aren't going as quickly as we would like doesn't give anyone the right to lash out. I have seen people offer Vinnie help and when the response isn't to their liking , their next post here is a bash-fest on Vinnie. Was the offer really genuine ???

Freedom of speech and opinion is one thing ,but , what happened to showing respect within our posts???
I believe Vic addressed this at the start of this forum and it has since fallen by the wayside.
This should be applied towards everyone including Vinnie. We must voice our opinions with respect and not include terms such as wife-beater, tranny, etc...
I wasn't in the room when Vinnie and Diane had their disagreement. I don't claim to know what happened. Neither should any of you. It is a private marital matter for the Cusanos.
Surely we could've expressed our concerns and frustrations without tearing another human being down with derogatory terms meant to hurt.

I was frustrated with myself as well because at times I joined in the remarks. The difference is that I was joking ,yet, when my comments were side by side with other posts , they looked just as ugly.
Dick jokes are one thing, hatred and bullying are another.

Everyone here knows that through all the turmoil, I tried to rally us into being BETTER.
If you have a concern, voice it so it will be heard . I still can't believe that some people expect answers (box set, court date, guitars,) while in their question they are calling someone a name.
Vinnie even started giving answers about the box set and it wasn't a good enough start for some. I do believe G & P were part of the reason it didn't see the light of day. A LOT of Kiss demos were going to be on it. Who knows, with kindness, more light may have been shed on that issue. Why did you guys sabotage the avenue of getting the answers you have always sought ???

Dino, I see that you have banned your own account and left Facebook. We have put so much faith in you, you have been to my house, I consider you a friend. yet when things get difficult, you leave the mess for everyone else to clean up. You should be here now addressing all of the allegations that you have placed on Vinnie. This just sucks and I'm sure that I am not the only one that is disappointed.
You have stranded people that believed every word you said. What does that say ???

I have suggested that we change the forum name since I believe it only exists as a "FUCK YOU" to Vinnie.
I know deep down that everyone here wants new things from Vinnie. I know the frustration because I have felt it too. Something has got to give here. I felt my stomach turn with each post I read. It progressively gets worse here.

We have gotten as far away from the original intent of this forum that I have to leave. The friendships I have made mean a lot to me . It is hard for me to leave. I can't stand to see good people make such horrible comments and see others egg them on.
It really is blind faith on my part because we still don't know if Vinnie is at the Double V Forum. Maybe Vinnie will show proof soon enough???

I wish my friends all good things and I hope that you can turn this forum around and the VVFF can start to be a FAN forum .
I am FAR from innocent and I cannot cast the first stone. I am however trying to make things better... ... at least for myself. To each their own.

I came here to show that I'm a fan and I LEAVE HERE TO SHOW THAT I'M A FAN.

Rick Schobel- Poserboy71-

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:34 am
by TheSage
For what it's worth, Poserboy, most of my posts were jokes too. I don't think I ever called Vinnie any names. Sorry you have to leave, take it easy. :(

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:04 am
by mfoster
I've never posted anything negative on this board or any other with regards to Vinnie. I was on the Double V Forum being very respectful and genuine. But once he found out I was on this forum I was banned because of it.

I've heard all of the stories with regards to the box set and the aliases. I don't really care that much because it didn't affect me in any way. Though I do understand the anger in the people who it did affect.

It would have been nice to be a part of the Double V Forum for a little longer. Though I am happy I was positive and complimentary while I was there. I am here as a fan as well with people who have been fans for a lifetime. I will remain positive and open minded here as well...It was his right to ban me from his forum if he feels threatend by this one. It is my right to be here at this forum as well if I wish....It's really his loss...I love the sense of community here and I don't think it's all negative, and it's not something I am going to apoligize for.

To each their own. I am glad you are doing what you feel is right Poserboy71.....In the end
that's what it's all about.

Much love to you, Vinnie and everyone on both boards.

Matt Foster :D

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:54 am
by erg2
I know I'm going to come off as a dick here, but:

PB71 on the boxset issue:
poserboy71 wrote:Vinnie continues to be a dick. He needs to GO AWAY.
PB71 on questioning Vinnie:
poserboy71 wrote:I'll take all the fucking blame. Vinnie, Come and get me !!!
PB71 on how people should behave on this forum:
poserboy71 wrote:Be yourselves ,my friends- BE REAL !!!- :D :D :D Blessings, Rick Schobel

It's clear in the last few weeks you have had a change of heart, but it's also clear that you were right there with us before that. Bustin' balls.
I disagree with you (respectfully) that Vinnie was "about to tell us about the boxset".
If he was going to come clean LIKE A MAN, he could do so in an instant. He could do it without delay. He could do it without hyperbole. He could do it without sugar coating.

It's been over a decade.

And let's look at some facts:
FACT = Diane pressed charges for him attacking her.
FACT = He was arrested and the charges WERE NOT DROPPED
FACT = Vinnie LIED and said the charges were dropped
FACT = Vinnie can't go in his own house when his wife is there...because the police and his wife are afraid that he will beat her again.
FACT = Vinnie has had years to make amends on his crooked dealings. He has not.
FACT = Vinnie could satisfy all of his fans...even the disgruntled...with 3 paragraphs of honesty posted within the hour.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:13 am
by Genebaby
This is disappointing Rick, but you need to do what you need to do. Everyone does.

This forum lets you be yourself, and if you're a pissed of Vinnie fan, then so be it. Only Vinnie can turn that around.

In every fan forum for a musical artist or group there is similar behaviour. It's the nature of the beast. They fuck up, we get pissed off.

Most of the time it's about some crap song they wrote, which is not a problem here, lol.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:19 am
by erg2
poserboy71 wrote: on Double V Forum Re-Opening I'll give it a shot. He seems like he is trying to turn things around. I hope he doesn't turn anyone away.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:25 am
by poserboy71
Nope Erg,
My heart has always been the same . Everyone that has been here knows that..
Yes , I have joined in the madness when I have felt attacked.-I have admitted that is the wrong way to go about being a fan.
Even before Vinnie's recent situation, I e-mailed him weeks before stating that I am done with negative comments and am putting forth my effort to post positive comments. I have failed at times.

Erg- Respectfully, I don't call your constant name calling -"Busting Balls".

Vinnie did start to answer about the box and people said it wasn't a good enough answer.

People should be themselves and be real and also have fun. You can express anger and frustration without name calling. I hope the real Erg isn't full of hate. I know that people I call friends here aren't really hateful. They, like I have in the past, have found it easier to be vile than express themselves like gentlemen.

I have stated that Vinnie does indeed need to just go away if he can't keep his word. People were saying that he doesn't want to live a public life anymore and that he wants to stay in seclusion yet he was saying otherwise on Youtube. My comment was for him to "shit or get off the pot." It seemed to me at the time that there were empty promises from him. He has made good on a promise by opening the DoubleV Forum and he IS accessible for questions. This is the most positive news out of the Vinnie camp in DECADES !!!

As far as taking the blame , I don't believe that was in regards to questioning Vinnie. I was trying to show loyalty to some friends by calling Vinnie out if he goes after them , then he has to come after me as well.
That was a battle I should have stayed out of. They are grown men and they can handle their own fights.

As to your fact finding, Judge not lest ye be judged. That is the business of two people and you and I aren't them. :wink: :wink: :wink:

I am impressed that you felt the need to find old quotes of mine. How very KissFAQ of you !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will try not to post here anymore because I do not wish to make you guys ,or anyone at DoubleV ,mad any more than I have done already.

Turn yourself around,

Rick -PB71-

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:27 am
by poserboy71
erg2 wrote:
poserboy71 wrote: on Double V Forum Re-Opening I'll give it a shot. He seems like he is trying to turn things around. I hope he doesn't turn anyone away.

My hopes exactly. I am still "giving it a shot". Vinnie himself has allowed me to participate on DoubleV. That right there should show that Vinnie is trying as well . Take my history into account. that wasn't easy for him to do.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:36 am
by n3p
You should stick around... I'll treat you real niiiiice! ;) ;)

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:39 am
by erg2
Not mad. Also don't want you to stop posting here. Also don't think that you should be forced to choose between the two.

As for my own behavior:
- I really AM full of hate :evil:
- I played Mr. Vincent's game for many, many years to no avail
- The wife-beating is between himself & Diane? It was...until he blatantly LIED to his fans about the status of the case. To me this shows the "man" (term used loosely) is being about as forthright and forthcoming as he ever was. (Or should I say NEVER was?) I'm asked to trust and forgive him while he continues to LIE.

I know that I am new here and probably haven't "earned" my right to be such a prick, but I'm not going to let someone shit on my shoes and call it a shine.

I have been calling Vinnie names. Yes. Guilty. If he stands up and speaks honestly and truthfully to me & his fans, I will forgive in a heartbeat and even apologize. Until that day he gets to wear the scarlet letter of my besmirching.

And yes. I would say all of this to his face. Such is my candor that I have garnered my own beatings in the past and alienated those who could not "take the heat."

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:36 am
by Brooklyn_Born
I'm so fucking tired of all this shit.... Is this for real...??? Am I reading this right...?? You're leaving this forum because of too much negativity?? That's quite the generalization... There are many positive people here.. Are we supposed to have our heads in the sand and pretend that all Is great?? It seems that both forums cannot co exist.. If you are a member here then you can't be a member there... I was banned for no reason... Did you ask your friend Vinnie why he canned me or other members that did nothing wrong??? I'll be fucked if I'm gonna kiss his ass & turn my back on Vics forum... This is bullshit no two ways about it & you'll find out the hard way when he turns on you too.. I hope it doesn't happen but history will probably prove it to happen... Say Hi to Vinnie Vincent from me mate & Rick I hope you find what you are looking for...

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:00 am
by erg2

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:15 am
by TheSage

Oh well, in any case he's positively drowning in positivity at the moment! :lol:

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:35 am
by NoQuarter
PB71,don't do this,i don't understand why everybody wants to leave this forum.. this is the only place where u can be yourself and have fun,i know i'm a new member here but i can see how awesome u guys are,and of course,DV is nothing compared to the VVFF.
just don't do this for someone who doesn't even like you. think about it.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:15 pm
by erg2
I don't know PB71, but I enjoy his posts. Hope Vinnie boots his ass soon so he can be back here with us bitter fuckers!

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:59 pm
by TheGoodDr
WTF Rick, you honestly believe P&G had something to do with the Box Set??? Gimme a break.... :roll:

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:04 am
by erg2
TheGoodDr wrote:WTF Rick, you honestly believe P&G had something to do with the Box Set??? Gimme a break.... :roll:
Actually, he might have a point. If P&G found out he was planning on including unused KISS demos, they might have slapped him with one of their famous CEASE AND DESIST letters. As the writer of the song he has the right to re-record and release it. However, he is not the OWNER of the DEMOS themselves which have P&G playing and singing. KISSCO owns those and NOBODY but KISS is going to make money off of them!!!

disclaimer: I am not presenting the above as fact, merely what I believe the situation probably is.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:51 am
by ankh
IF i'm correct, one of the sour points between V and the contract the band wanted him to sign in was about publishing too.Anyway, i think many people would have liked to receive an explanation; some, like Slayer received an unpleasant letter that maybe was a bit uncalled for.A simple refund-like it happens in most cases when something paid for can't happen- would have put all those complains to rest.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:28 am
by Detroit
Boxset & (possible) G&P dimension is interesting. I'd like to learn more about this). But if P&G dimension / connection ruined Vinnie's boxset business why would he not just tell us about it? Has G&P pay him off, silenced him somehow or something or what? Anyway if such dimension / connection exists Vinnie should have known better, right?

Be that as it may, but Vinnie, I want new Vinnie Vincent music and I want it now! I will pay for it (but not in advance:) Deliver the goods! And then we rock hard. How about that?

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:32 am
by erg2
Detroit wrote:...I want new Vinnie Vincent music and I want it now...And then we rock hard. How about that?
Well, I'm already hard...I guess I just need to rock! :wink:

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:07 am
by Detroit
erg2 wrote:
Detroit wrote:...I want new Vinnie Vincent music and I want it now...And then we rock hard. How about that?
Well, I'm already hard...I guess I just need to rock! :wink:
Without new VV-Viagra? Good for you my friend :D

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:10 am
by Slayer
ankh wrote:IF i'm correct, one of the sour points between V and the contract the band wanted him to sign in was about publishing too.Anyway, i think many people would have liked to receive an explanation; some, like Slayer received an unpleasant letter that maybe was a bit uncalled for.A simple refund-like it happens in most cases when something paid for can't happen- would have put all those complains to rest.
I think this whole topic is as simple as this. Good post Anhk!


Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:56 am
by ankh

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:53 am
by Genebaby
Yes, if G&P had "anything" to do with the box set not being delivered then I think we either would have heard about LONG before now or people would have received box sets with the Kiss demos cut out. Which would have left more room for other Vinnie stuff,so not such a bad outcome.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:25 am
by Arjen
Vinnie easily could have replaced the KISS demos with other stuff. He has tons of it doenst he?!
And since the boxset itself does not have a tracklisting printed on the back it would have been a fairly easy and cheap solution.

I dont believe in new VV music. I just don't, so I gave up hope and have peace with that fact. Feels much better.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:35 am
by TheGoodDr
But seriously, what kind of douche is Vinnie anyway thinking that he could even consider publishing KISS demos under his own record label???

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:48 am
by erg2
TheGoodDr wrote:But seriously, what kind of douche is Vinnie anyway thinking that he could even consider publishing KISS demos under his own record label???
The kind of douche that beats his wife.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:13 pm
by ozone73
erg2 wrote:
TheGoodDr wrote:But seriously, what kind of douche is Vinnie anyway thinking that he could even consider publishing KISS demos under his own record label???
The kind of douche that beats his wife.
... through broken glass.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:20 pm
by Detroit
Thats the point, Dr, Vinnie should have known better. Vinnie should have known better in many, many other cases as well.

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:55 pm
by metalx
It's funny PB71 that you say you have to leave because of the level of hatred on the board , because I was about to say I'm leaving the board because of the level of your bitching that we're not doing what you what us to do. so thanks.
Michael C. Lau

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:14 pm
by Brooklyn_Born

Re: Poserboy71

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:54 pm
by erg2
Ouch indeed.