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Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:13 am
by erg2
Holy shit, this guy is crazy!!

"As long as there is a Vinnie Vincent, there will be the same disgusting group of self-important overly-obsessed haters spying on and peeking into the private life of Vinnie Vincent so they can all jerk each other off."
- I've been on this forum for almost a year and you guys were jerking eachother off and didn't invite me?!?! I'm offended. (I've always imagined Rick has soft, smooth hands...)

" I made a decision to remove them because these two individuals felt some unfathomable need to visit a vile, disgusting and filthy place (which unfortunately at the moment still exists on the internet) in order to digest comments being said about me by the same dangerously obsessed individuals whose primary purpose in life is to abuse my name and the name of my family."
- STILL exists? Is there something we should be afraid of? And to MY knowledge, everyone on here has kept spoken of Vinnie's family only in the nicest of ways. We only bash his assholish, criminal ways.

"The sad fact is that these horrible examples of human life (and I use this term "human" sparingly) were forced to migrate their nest of assorted insects to a hole in the wall because of their rejection a few years back from this Official VINNIE VINCENT forum for exhibiting the same offensive, despicable hate speech and behavior they continue to vomit forth today which I will not tolerate by any means. I am certain you are aware of who and what I am referring to."
- He's right. We insects only came here because of his rejection of us. We were ants at his picnic.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:27 am
by doublev2
I think he was upset we mentioned his daughters website. We praised then and still do. They even put something about vv and Anne Marie on their site .

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:58 am
by vvjunkie
Oh I am so sorry about the comments I made. I was in agreement with everyone there. I am crying because of my poem I wrote it brought back so much. When I wrote to Vinnie about going to kill myself it was my husband who wrote to them because they banned. Me from the email oh wow FUCK UM.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:21 am
by Vdog
Don't worry about it VVJ. Many of us felt we were doing the right thing in what we said. My words in defense of Cussy boy are a pure embarrassment to me, but I honestly felt I was in the right.

I'd much rather know the truth and look silly than be fooled by a liar like him.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:29 am
by ankh
i'd raather not comment what i've read on this thread, but i would like to point out the simple fact that Ace hasquitted kiss in 1982.And he did it again after the reunion, if ifi think that was due to money disagreement.So , the first statement was vastly imprecise.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:48 am
by vvjunkie
Its funny how he said that I came on this forum months before I joined the first time was for him and the next time it was in late December. When I joined crazy how he thought how I came here right after he banned me. Vinnie you can kiss my Italian ass

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:11 am
by doublev2
Tina, I ran the dv board for 7 months without telling anyone vv was a member of the board. Nothing is personal here. It clear what you have to do if you want to be friends with vinnie. Tina we love you and anyone from the dv that moves over here.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:14 am
by doublev2
Ankh, you are a fair good guy. I like your style and the fact you keep . I like all the differenr angles the users here give.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:17 am
by doublev2
Vinnie got fired at least once after the euro 83 tour.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:24 am
by vvjunkie
doublev2 wrote:Tina, I ran the dv board for 7 months without telling anyone vv was a member of the board. Nothing is personal here. It clear what you have to do if you want to be friends with vinnie. Tina we love you and anyone from the dv that moves over here.
Thanks Dino I love you guys to

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:39 am
by doublev2
I do have some sympathy for vinnie. To get himself into this much of a jam has to be tough even if its all self made. To fake his sister or fake spyder to his sister is a real situation and i wish he woukd listen to someone who wull tell him he needs to stop and change. What people like angel do telling him he is god is not going he needs someone to stand up to him and hopefully help him too.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:03 am
by PinkWiz
When Vinnie has no one else left to ban, I guess he will ban Spyder and SusieQ? :lol:

On a more serious note it's sad to see how far Vinnie's mental illness has gone by reading these post. He literally sits and talks to himself 24 hours a day.
:| :oops:

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:06 am
by doublev2
He is awake until 6am at least and calls women on the phone like his wife says in the report.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:10 am
by PinkWiz
poserboy71 wrote:Damn PW, That person looks Vinnie-like. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That IS Vinnie... in his SusieQ persona.


Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:45 am
by vvjunkie
doublev2 wrote:I do have some sympathy for vinnie. To get himself into this much of a jam has to be tough even if its all self made. To fake his sister or fake spyder to his sister is a real situation and i wish he woukd listen to someone who wull tell him he needs to stop and change. What people like angel do telling him he is god is not going he needs someone to stand up to him and hopefully help him too.
I would love to help him in so many ways for once I would like to be that fly on the wall

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:31 am
by 1031
Dam that place is like a cult, its like the Jim Jones of the internet.. super creepy

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:33 am
by Vdog
No need to be on his faux forum. We get all the postings here + we get to talk openly & honestly about everything. Thanks for posting all this.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:21 pm
by doublev2
Regarding what vv said that no one from slaughter thanked him. Well mark.and bobby did for tge record and dana seemed pretty happy to talk vv when he signed drews guitar. I dont see why mark.would thank him with all tge negative remarks vv said about him. He was just a kid and vv was almost 40.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:08 am
by Genebaby
Vinnie's words.
Unfortunately the internet has allowed people of great insignificance and of no value to their family, humanity and society.....
No value to our families Vinnie? I think that is the pot calling the kettle black, and also being entirely WRONG buddy!

Nobody here has left their spouse to fend for themselves and raise their children you self serving, fake God loving, fallen warrior.

Maybe when we've swindled people out of money like yourself we'll be of less value to humanity and society.

You did have a gift for writing amazing songs, but you've squandered it and still can't see your own problems for the truth in front of you. Get some help. Get it now before you die a crazy old man.

Then join us in reality and say sorry.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:16 am
by Vdog
Vinnie is a master of projection. He basically projects his feelings about himself and his failings onto everyone else. It's a simple mechanism that helps him get out of bed each day. Facing the reality of who & what he is and how he has dealt with people must be heartbreaking. Imagine being Cusano, washing your face in the morning and looking up at yourself. This is where this anger comes from. As angry as he made me last year I know it was just hurt feelings. My overriding feelings are of pity.......I genuinely pity him.

Listening to the Eric Carr podcast with Loretta just brings a lot of things home. What will people say when Cusano is gone ? Every angry outburst is damaging one person, Vincent Cusano.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:20 pm
by doublev2
doublev Forum Admin/Owner4489 PostsPosted - 09/19/2011 : 1:05:48 PMquote:Originally posted by doublevPlease readDear friends,As you may have noticed I have removed all the photos. The photos were not intended to be perennial part of this forum. I posted them because I wanted you to enjoy the moments that were personal and special to me in order for you to carry with you a special experience from your time here. The photos were special moments, personal to me and to my family that I wanted to share with you. Hopefully the memory of the photos will be etched in your minds and will bring a smile to you here and there. It is my hope that you all have enjoyed them as much as I have in posting them.As you also may have noticed, two members of this forum have been removed by me. I made a decision to remove them because these two individuals felt some unfathomable need to visit a vile, disgusting and filthy place (which unfortunately at the moment still exists on the internet) in order to digest comments being said about me by the same dangerously obsessed individuals whose primary purpose in life is to abuse my name and the name of my family. I frequently ask myself, "Don’t these losers have a job, a life, a reason to live other than talking about Vinnie Vincent 24 hours a day?" Unfortunately the internet has allowed people of great insignificance and of no value to their family, humanity and society to attempt to achieve insignificant self importance by burrowing their way into someone’s personal life in order to gain some warped sense of notoriety to their followers and to themselves. The sad fact is that these horrible examples of human life (and I use this term "human" sparingly) were forced to migrate their nest of assorted insects to a hole in the wall because of their rejection a few years back from this Official VINNIE VINCENT forum for exhibiting the same offensive, despicable hate speech and behavior they continue to vomit forth today which I will not tolerate by any means. I am certain you are aware of who and what I am referring to.For your knowledge, the two former members of this forum were barred because they betrayed my trust and the love I extended to them in this very private and privileged place. I purposely kept this forum minimized to a few selected people who I felt were good decent individuals who were without an agenda. That factor made it possible for me to be comfortable in reaching out to the few of you that are here. It has worked out well and I hope you have enjoyed this comforting place as much as I do. A most disturbing incident recently arose from one of the former members who cursed me for not letting her back in this forum after begging me through Spyder to allow her to come back. She claimed she was going to kill herself if she was not allowed to return. Ironically, only days before, I instructed Spyder to allow her back in because she was distraught at being terminated from this wonderful place and I was worried that she might hurt herself. Spyder was busy for a few days and had no time in getting back to her. When her demands went unanswered during the time Spyder was busy, this disturbed individual showed her true colors and freely vomited truly offensive and vile hate speech directed toward me which was simply a mirror reflection of the hate speech she enjoyed reading at the place she chose to frequent and/or visit. She has since apologized. Unfortunately once someone makes certain determined decisions to cross the line with me there is no turning back. They are stuck with their mistakes and the effect of there wrongdoing.In my humble opinion, life is not one endless second, third, fourth of fifth chance. We have to live with our mistakes. I feel it is sometimes proper to atone for your actions that hurt or offend another otherwise there is no way to advance ones self and make it better for someone else we touch on this short journey through life. Learning from your actions goes with the territory.With that said, I will be busy for the next two months in preparation for a royalty case which has continued for many years in the courts. Although court deadlines are approaching I am hopeful that I will be able to visit here momentarily to say hi to you when I can. The good thing is that my time will be my own again around November 25th which is Thanksgiving for those of us here in the US. It is my hope that you do not let this special forum become stagnant, otherwise there may be no reason for me to find a purpose in letting this OFFICIAL VINNIE VINCENT FORUM to continue. It is always best to allow life to flourish when it thrives or allow a special performance to play its last song for the evening. I will leave that decision it up to you.Sandra and Spyder will have the honors of keeping you with me in my absence.In closing, I ask one favor from each of you. If you would all be kind enough to inform me here as to whether you have uploaded any of the photos for your own collection. It helps me keep track of the photos which were not intended to be publicly or personally disseminated. If any of you have uploaded them to your computer, I ask that you respect my wishes and protect them from being hacked or copied and that you keep them for your own enjoyment. If you would do that for me I would sincerely appreciate it. I have a great respect for truth and honesty.My love and best to each of you, Vinnie Vincent.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:24 pm
by shramiac
Far out!

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:45 pm
by erg2
Well, it's after November and his time has been his own again for over a year...what has he done in that year?

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:46 am
by ozone73
I remember this post on this board. Still find it mildly amusing that they consider registering as "hacking." :roll:
doublev2 wrote:this is a rant from michael levay about us. VV liked this one . The username is first and their post under it. Remember Vinnie is doublev. Also interesting the Goodfellows coment..suzieq has goodfellows and the 'spyder' clip from that movie as her favourite.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:53 am
by ozone73
I felt like I was reading the Vagina Monologues.
doublev2 wrote:doublev Forum Admin/Owner4489 PostsPosted - 09/19/2011 : 1:05:48 PMquote:Originally posted by doublevPlease readDear friends,As you may have noticed I have removed all the photos. The photos were not intended to be perennial part of this forum. I posted them because I wanted you to enjoy the moments that were personal and special to me in order for you to carry with you a special experience from your time here. The photos were special moments, personal to me and to my family that I wanted to share with you. Hopefully the memory of the photos will be etched in your minds and will bring a smile to you here and there. It is my hope that you all have enjoyed them as much as I have in posting them.As you also may have noticed, two members of this forum have been removed by me. I made a decision to remove them because these two individuals felt some unfathomable need to visit a vile, disgusting and filthy place (which unfortunately at the moment still exists on the internet) in order to digest comments being said about me by the same dangerously obsessed individuals whose primary purpose in life is to abuse my name and the name of my family. I frequently ask myself, "Don’t these losers have a job, a life, a reason to live other than talking about Vinnie Vincent 24 hours a day?" Unfortunately the internet has allowed people of great insignificance and of no value to their family, humanity and society to attempt to achieve insignificant self importance by burrowing their way into someone’s personal life in order to gain some warped sense of notoriety to their followers and to themselves. The sad fact is that these horrible examples of human life (and I use this term "human" sparingly) were forced to migrate their nest of assorted insects to a hole in the wall because of their rejection a few years back from this Official VINNIE VINCENT forum for exhibiting the same offensive, despicable hate speech and behavior they continue to vomit forth today which I will not tolerate by any means. I am certain you are aware of who and what I am referring to.For your knowledge, the two former members of this forum were barred because they betrayed my trust and the love I extended to them in this very private and privileged place. I purposely kept this forum minimized to a few selected people who I felt were good decent individuals who were without an agenda. That factor made it possible for me to be comfortable in reaching out to the few of you that are here. It has worked out well and I hope you have enjoyed this comforting place as much as I do. A most disturbing incident recently arose from one of the former members who cursed me for not letting her back in this forum after begging me through Spyder to allow her to come back. She claimed she was going to kill herself if she was not allowed to return. Ironically, only days before, I instructed Spyder to allow her back in because she was distraught at being terminated from this wonderful place and I was worried that she might hurt herself. Spyder was busy for a few days and had no time in getting back to her. When her demands went unanswered during the time Spyder was busy, this disturbed individual showed her true colors and freely vomited truly offensive and vile hate speech directed toward me which was simply a mirror reflection of the hate speech she enjoyed reading at the place she chose to frequent and/or visit. She has since apologized. Unfortunately once someone makes certain determined decisions to cross the line with me there is no turning back. They are stuck with their mistakes and the effect of there wrongdoing.In my humble opinion, life is not one endless second, third, fourth of fifth chance. We have to live with our mistakes. I feel it is sometimes proper to atone for your actions that hurt or offend another otherwise there is no way to advance ones self and make it better for someone else we touch on this short journey through life. Learning from your actions goes with the territory.With that said, I will be busy for the next two months in preparation for a royalty case which has continued for many years in the courts. Although court deadlines are approaching I am hopeful that I will be able to visit here momentarily to say hi to you when I can. The good thing is that my time will be my own again around November 25th which is Thanksgiving for those of us here in the US. It is my hope that you do not let this special forum become stagnant, otherwise there may be no reason for me to find a purpose in letting this OFFICIAL VINNIE VINCENT FORUM to continue. It is always best to allow life to flourish when it thrives or allow a special performance to play its last song for the evening. I will leave that decision it up to you.Sandra and Spyder will have the honors of keeping you with me in my absence.In closing, I ask one favor from each of you. If you would all be kind enough to inform me here as to whether you have uploaded any of the photos for your own collection. It helps me keep track of the photos which were not intended to be publicly or personally disseminated. If any of you have uploaded them to your computer, I ask that you respect my wishes and protect them from being hacked or copied and that you keep them for your own enjoyment. If you would do that for me I would sincerely appreciate it. I have a great respect for truth and honesty.My love and best to each of you, Vinnie Vincent.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:20 am
by PinkWiz
Cusano is a douchebag... probably posing as his sister.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:30 am
by erg2
Borrowing her dresses even.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:29 pm
by BigEd
If you notice, my old screen name (CRDEDWARD) is included...Donna Cusano knew I was a big fan of her brother's and one day she personally knocked on my office door and gave me one of Vinnie's Pic's and a Lick It Up poster from the Radio Music Hall show. She would have been tickled "Pink" that I was there on Vinnie's forum and would have been more than happy to chat with a "local boy" considering she was chatting with complete strangers from around the world....when I got no response,I knew something smelt fishy....

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:13 pm
by doublev2
The question is why did he fake her being on. Also his daughters as well. They were faked as well.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:41 pm
by Genebaby
There doesn't seem to be a logical reason to do it.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:43 pm
by Streetbeat
to add reality , i'm sure he did that the same way he fake all of his personalities

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:03 pm
by doublev2
Was he doing it for some reason so people trust him? Or for his own entertainment? Or because he believed it? Or because he has multiple personalities? Its clear he thought everyone on the dv board were pretty dumb to do that kind of thing.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:07 am
by erg2
Two reasons:
1- There are clearly very few people following his activities at this (that) point, so he felt the need to make it seem as if he were more popular.
2- He has absolutely nothing else going on...nothing else to do. Then it's just a downward spiral.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:13 am
by vvjunkie
If you notice that he claims that I join this forum after he banned me from his forum but I joined in December not September like he said.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:22 am
by doublev2
Ed thanks for this.
BigEd wrote:If you notice, my old screen name (CRDEDWARD) is included...Donna Cusano knew I was a big fan of her brother's and one day she personally knocked on my office door and gave me one of Vinnie's Pic's and a Lick It Up poster from the Radio Music Hall show. She would have been tickled "Pink" that I was there on Vinnie's forum and would have been more than happy to chat with a "local boy" considering she was chatting with complete strangers from around the world....when I got no response,I knew something smelt fishy....

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:11 pm
by KissMyAss
doublev2 wrote:They are so phoney and back stabbers. They love each other and then someone gets the boot and they.all have a bad thing to say about that person. I am reading what they said about angel and Mulder at the moment . The day before they are sisters and brothers then after the boot they are vile roaches. It's obviously all to please vinnie.

People who need to brown nose and backstab to get ahead aren't worth shit. Some people think life is high school. If you don't have a skill, then you're a fucktard, no matter how awesome you are in the social arena.

I get sick hearing this word.

Official chimpanzee lice pickers. Pre-logic socialization "skills". Fuck you.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:25 pm
by KissMyAss
Fuck people.
You can't trust them.
I think a cat will do fine.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:26 am
by erg2
Ummmmm. OK.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:42 am
by KissMyAss
Is it alright to vent about back stabbers?

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:54 am
by erg2
Is it OK for me to post about butt stabbers?

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:56 am
by Streetbeat
vinnie's ass

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:13 pm
by KissMyAss
erg2 wrote:Is it OK for me to post about butt stabbers?
Since we are being grammatically correct over the words "all right", "O.K." is an abbreviation for a Dutch village in New York sentimentally regarded as "Old Kinderhook." I am assuming that you are not a fan of President Martin Van Buren's Dutch origins. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:14 pm
by KissMyAss
You must believe the historical myth that O.K. was originally an abbreviation for the Dutch phrase "oll korrect". Martin Van Buren's political enemies mocked him as a ESL illiterate by humorously implying that O.K. meant "oll korrect". Readers of the Boston Globe in 1839 swallowed the inaccuracy, and it is imbedded into accepted grammar.

"O.K." as meaning permissable is purely Van Buren's "O.K. club" satire. A joke. Humor mocking Dutch immigrants who supported the president. Americans accepted it as fact because they read it in the Boston Globe. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:07 pm
by 1031
its all cheese and crackers for that boy....

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:15 pm
by metatron
doublev2 wrote:i think he actually fights with spyder in his bedroom.
Yer, he beats him off...I mean up :shock:

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:41 am
by KissMyAss
I've stumbled upon a new twitter trend: superficiality for Vinnie Vincent.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:20 am
by doublev2
Having people agree with you all the time is the road to nowhere... you need people with different ideas to go places snd some you may not agree with at first. Sometimes admitting fault or changing a stubborn idea is the most liberating thing.
But kma is correct with that poster.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:40 pm
by KissMyAss
You're right. Fan worship made VV complacent.

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:03 pm
by Warrior
Unfortunately, Sad but true !

Re: vinnie's sister donna on his message board

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:09 pm
by PelagicJoe
Genebaby wrote:There doesn't seem to be a logical reason to do it.
I think Vinnie lives his life by this philosophy.