Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

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Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by strangeways »

The Good


All the bands, fans and expo people.
All the bands performed well and gave it their all. Many of the musicians were walking around the place when they were not on stage and were always super nice and approachable. Special attention to Bruce Kulick who was like the fix-it all man. The guy was showing up everywhere and delivering the goods.
The hotel staff and especially the bartenders were very accommodating. The meet and greet photos and signings were awesome. Neil did an impressive job for this being his first fest and all. There are some things to be worked out but the fact that he even got this to the level that it was at is a good thing. Hats off to him for giving this a go. The effort is and was much appreciated. I met lots of new people and am looking forward to seeing them at shows.


The Bad

I know they were just doing what they were told but there are some issues to be worked out here.
While the majority were fantastic (it is a thankless job, I know) there were some that were not so cool.
This was especially true for myself on the Ace night, and for all of us on the Vinnie night.
When the Ace night started everything was great. The first two bands went on and especially Corabi was as awesome as ever. I have seen him many a time and he always delivers. I got some good pictures. Before Ace came out security showed up and went down the row asking us all to take a step back from the stage. We all did so. A security guard came and stood directly in front of me. I could not see Ace at all. I was pretty much front center. I leaned in and asked if he was going to be there all night. He told me that he was and that if I didn’t like it I could leave. I was pretty surprised by this. I stood there and he and I jawed back and forth a bit. I never raised my voice or swore, but I let him know my displeasure by saying things like.....
“Gee, I didn’t know that paying for the top tier package (Holy Trinity), flying from Chicago, and staying in this hotel all entitled me to a partial view of Ace Frehley.” He did not like this and continued to jaw back at me.

After Peter came out the first time during the Ace set I had enough and packed it in. I just could not see much of anything outside of this guy and seeing as that the main performers were center stage it was just no good for me. I left and went to the ticket window and let the person there know my displeasure. I showed her the photograph that I took and let her know that this is unacceptable. I told her this cannot happen for the next night when Vinnie was there. He was the reason I came. She assured me that it would not happen again and tried to make it up to me by telling me she could get me back in but probably not where I was before. I told her not to bother and that I really did not want to be around this guy. I went to the bar where Enuff Znuff (Chip and crew are always great) were and had a nice meal and drinks. This security issue was compounded by what went on the next night.

Organizational efforts.
Upon checking in on Thursday I was given my package for the fest and made my way to my room.
On Friday I was standing in line for the John Corabi meet and greet and was asked “Where are your papers?” “What papers?” I replied. Apparently, for each meet & greet type of event there was a corresponding sheet w/a box for each part of the meet and greet. One box for the picture session and one box for the actual meet & greet / signing. These boxes are to be checked off or no meet and greet. I was never given any of these sheets. The same happened to a guy behind me. They told us to go back to said office and get those sheets. I did so and the staff did not seem to believe me. They claimed I must have left them in my room or something. I repeated that I never got them. They repeated that I must have left them in my room. I went up to my room and of course – nothing. I was never given any sheets.

Back down I came and let them know that I was not given any such sheets. With a huff, they printed me out new sheets, gave them to me, and sent me on my way. I asked if this was everything I needed. They said yes. I went to go back to the line but the photo session was over. I left and went on to the next event I wanted to see. This happened again before another artist meet and greet. I did not have the sheet and I had no time to get out of line and go back to the office. I really didn’t want to be bothered by the hassle. Many other people had the same issue I would come to find out and by Sunday they were handing out sheets for various meet and greets left, right and center. There were some issues with the timing of meet and greets and overlapping of events. The lines would be so long that you were forced to make a choice. I don’t really blame them for that. That just seemed to be the way some of this shook out. Also, a better way into the venue would have been nice. As a Holy Trinity ticket holder, it was sometimes hard to navigate between the people and into the barriered off front section that I was to get to. Next time let these sectioned groups in the different doors to not create as much confusion.

The Ugly.


Vinnie Vincent.
I was here for Vinnie Vincent. Period. Everything else at this fest was secondary by far (no slight to anyone else). The chance to see the Ank warrior. The Pyro Messiah. The Howard Hughes of Kiss was not an opportunity to be missed. What was promised was just too good to pass up.
My first Kiss show was on the Creatures of the Night tour. This was going to be a full-circle moment for me. I am a big Vinnie fan so I was not going to miss this.
What was promised was a full Creatures of the Night set w/actual live band w/Vinnie in costume and make up w/audience being able to take pictures and video if they like w/tank stage.
What was delivered was Vinnie in makeup with the tank stage.
NO full set of any kind.
NO costume.
NO full band
NO pics or video.

What I would have settled for would have been somewhere in between. If he had the makeup, tank stage, and played 8 – 10 songs with a full band and guitar solo.
Security was out of control slapping down phones and confronting people. There were tales of them actually grabbing people by the neck. This is unacceptable. If they want to shine a light on people and tell them to leave or put their phones down that is one thing but physical contact over such an event is not necessary. We were only told right before going into the main venue that no phones, pics, or video were allowed. When I asked one of the security gals about this and told her that this was not what was promised she got argumentative with me. This was the gal that was later featured in certain videos around the internet. I saw her in the Vinnie meet and greet line the next next day and she was very apologetic to everyone.

I echo the sentiments laid out here by others in saying what a surreal experience the Vinnie show was.
I thought it was a masterstroke to have him atop the tank wailing away for 15 minutes or so to start this whole thing off. Once settled down front I stood there in awe waiting for what was to come next. I could see the mic stands set up so I assumed the full band was to come out next.

IF that had actually happened and Vinnie had delivered on what was promised it would have gone down as an incredible moment. It would have been fantastic to see Vinnie up there the whole night blasting away while his band played below. Add Bruce and Ace into the mix for a song or two and the whole thing would’ve gone down in Kisstory as a huge success and resurrection of the Ank warrior.
When the bass player came out I was ready for things to really get going but instead, we all know what came next. As the drum and vocal tracks started pumping out I just stood there wondering just what it was that I was seeing. I was hoping that was to be some sort of one-off thing to start the show. I was willing to go along with it for I Love It Loud in hopes that what was to come next would be an actual band. Bruce emerged and I thought that the full band was to follow. Obviously, that was not what happened and it went from there.

When the whole thing was over I felt like I was walking out of a bizarre dream of some sort. I was kind of exhausted and in no mood for Pretty Boy Floyd and Vixen. I went up to my room took a long shower and then went back down to the bar for food and drinks. It was interesting hearing everyone’s opinion right after the show. I heard no one say they liked what they saw.

I was close enough to see that Vinnie was very emotional as fans chanted for him. He really was appreciative of the support that was given. When the whole thing was over and he came down the row and shook everyone’s hand. He had tears in his eyes and a big smile on his face.
HE clearly can still play but it is obvious to everyone now that he just doesn’t want to do what Bruce and Ace have done over the years. He wants to live in his own shell and that is his business. It becomes our business when we are duped out of money to see him.
The truth is that as cool as many of the other shows, events, meet & greets, and expo was at Creaturesfest IF I had known this was what was going to be delivered on the Vinnie night I would not have gone. That is the bottom line.


As far as I know, the drum tracks and vocal tracks that were used were the ones Ace and Bruce were sent to practice to. They didn’t know there was no actual band until arriving at the fest so they did their best to deal with it all. This was according to Bruce at a luncheon I was at the next day so I’m not telling tales out of school or anything. There were a lot of people at this luncheon. It will make the rounds on the internet since others were recording it. I was standing in front of the where Ace played and he didn’t call Vinnie out as much as joked about what was going on.
Vinnie will now be relegated to conventions and meet & greet opportunities. It is what he wants. He wants to live in his own little world and so be it. I was happy to finally meet him and get my Creatures ticket stub signed. He was gracious and spent a little time chatting.

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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by pullitt »

Thanks a lot for the write up! Was just reading your account of it back at the Faq and here it is again. First time I see an expression "to jaw at someone". I'm sure glad I wasn't able to go, because I'd completely lose it at the security for spoiling the events of the paid-for package. Now looking forward to Bruce's account of "the tankening".
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by Genebaby »

Great post strangeways. You're the kind of fan I've been thinking of ever since I heard what went down instead of what was promised. Vinnie just "being there and playing" was nowhere near enough, he didn't advertise just being there and playing like a 4th grader. Yes, he can pluck a string but that wasn't no Pyro Messiah, it was, as Streetbeat once said, our Fallen Warrior. The whole thing.

Crazy to hear of your trouble at the Ace show with that security guard, that seemed to be him being an asshole and would have royally pissed me off. Having your ticket and spot in front of the stage it should have been the best for you.

Considering the security behaviour for the other parts of the weekend (your one-off guy at Ace notwithstanding) you have to really wonder what was said to security about the Vinnie "performance". I can only imagine the army style dressing down they must have got to behave that way as per Vinnie's wishes. They were tasked to do what Vinnie himself could not do, so basically the flashlights, the slapping of phones, the rudeness, that was Vinnie doing that to his fans, because he was unable to while playing. For sure he would wish to be able to be in two places at once so he could "play" and slap at the same time.

What did this accomplish? How did he expect for nothing to get out, nothing? You can't mess with people's phones. This isn't the old days where I did have to put recorders and video cameras into the coat check room. Phones are personal and they are everywhere. So in the end of course footage gets out and the footage shows the security for Vinnie being heavy handed amongst his fans, while Vinnie chokes the fretboard, sans band.

That security girl in the videos is probably wondering how she did what she did, but I'm guessing she was under a bit of duress to stop people on Vinnie's behalf, so I see Vinnie slapping phones and peoples arms now.

Listening to a podcast a guy actually got escorted out and handed over to police over it, his Vinnie time was absolutely ruined, but he also realises now that he didn't miss much in the end. But of course, for many, it was the sole reason they were there, with everything else a bonus, and it was just sad to see Vinnie "tank" his career in such a way.

Here's some lyrics I quickly came up with. I'm no Vinnie but you may recognise the tune.

When the guy slaps your phone and wants you to go home, that's a Vinnie
When you're told to get out but just only got in, that's a Vinnie
When the girl hits your arm and wants to do harm, that's a Vinnie......
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by Luxor »

You dressed up for the event. Dapper.

Was that the Live+1 taping you were at (ticket signed)?

Sorry to read about some of the negative aspects of CF.
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by BigEd »

Nice Pictures, Sounds like you had a Great Time even though it didn't go as planned....
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by Slayer »

Great post!
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by aeroflott »

I was close enough to see that Vinnie was very emotional as fans chanted for him. He really was appreciative of the support that was given. When the whole thing was over and he came down the row and shook everyone’s hand. He had tears in his eyes and a big smile on his face.
HE clearly can still play but it is obvious to everyone now that he just doesn’t want to do what Bruce and Ace have done over the years. He wants to live in his own shell and that is his business. It becomes our business when we are duped out of money to see him.
This just about sums the whole thing up.

Great post. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope you felt you got enough from the other artists to make up for the disappointments.
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by strangeways »

Luxor wrote: Sat Jun 04, 2022 8:12 am Was that the Live+1 taping you were at (ticket signed)?

Jizzy Pearl talks a bit about Creatrues Fest towards the end of this interview.

"Stairway to the stars, I think I'll write good health to you." - Albert Bouchard / Richard Meltzer / Donald Roeser
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by Luxor »

Very cool. I loved Live +1. I saw him countless times during the FC period. Spent alot flying all over to catch various shows. I wish he would still play some of that material.
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by beano »

Can’t stand the guy. Thinks he is Love/Hate. Last member of the band to join. Only singer I’ve ever known who finishes a show and then says, “come buy some merch I need to put my daughter through college”. Failing as a rock star as well as a parent.
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by Genebaby »

I didn't listen to Love/Hate when they were out and I didn't like Jizzy in Ratt at all, but I guess they were all doing their best.

I love Words Are Not Enough, that's a cool extra song. Live+1 should have been a full live show album, that would have been great.

I am not sure the Holy Trinity happened as intended. They were all there, yes, but I am thinking Vinnie wasn't playing when the other guys were, just miming. If he was playing something at some point, he didn't take any solos, so it was not like the three ex-KISS lead guitarists were up there, playing, trading solos. It was Ace and Bruce playing together, with Vinnie hanging around, possibly not even playing rhythm guitar.
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by strangeways »

Genebaby wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:33 am I didn't listen to Love/Hate when they were out and I didn't like Jizzy in Ratt at all, but I guess they were all doing their best.
I loved Love / Hate and love Jizzy in QR.
I didn't really care for him either in Ratt.
Genebaby wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:33 am I love Words Are Not Enough, that's a cool extra song.
Live+1 should have been a full live show album, that would have been great.
"Stairway to the stars, I think I'll write good health to you." - Albert Bouchard / Richard Meltzer / Donald Roeser
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Re: Creatures Fest 2022 - The good, the bad and the ugly

Post by Luxor »

Releasing a full live album would have made far more sense than putting out SS (you know Ace thought of that and laughed). That album sucked and it destroyed Frehley's Comet.

It was good to have an album with RIp it Out and Rocket Ride. But it sure should have had Cold Gin, NY Groove, 2000 Man and others.

Megaforce really blew the handling of Ace.
"This whole 'rotation' thing is absolutely meaningless and weird. It's most likely coming from label to save face" - DoubleV
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