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V.Ef - The Album

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:28 pm
by Invader

I am V. Ef. It stands for Vatt ElectryFing

I have written a killer album during the last few weeks and want to share bits of it with you. I am still doing heavy demoing, but am kinda finished with the lyrics.

Initial tracklisting

Vatt ElectryFing: The Album

1. Rock N Roll Purist
2. S/M Chruch
3. Praise the ill-willed
4. Leather Dreaming
5. Denim powder
6. Hard-core to the core
7. (No lying) Men rule the world
8. Grind you to the ground
9. Power hose
10. (What) You get for free (Does not have a guarantee)

And the xtra-tracks, might still be in contest if they turn out ok;
1. Slave ship
2. Lollipop Lolita
3. Stank it Down
4. Strap the Ram
5. Kudos
6. All I want for Easter is an Egg

I will keep you posted